SHNID 76072 Guster 2006-04-11
Gentile Center, Loyola University, Chicago, IL

Summary (download all files)
Master: AKG 480/CK61 -> V3 -> JB3

Conversion: JB3 -> USB -> CD Wave -> FLAC Frontend

by Matt Hedegard

Textdoc (download)
Joseph J. Gentile Center - Loyola University
Chicago, Illinois
April 11, 2006

Taper:  Matt Hedegard
Location:  center of arena, in front of sound booth
Source:  akg480/ck61 -> v3 -> JB3
Conversion:  JB3 -> USB -> CD Wave -> FLAC Frontend


DISK 1		(50:01)

01.  I Spy				5:21
02.  Captain				3:38
03.  ("Thumbs Man")			0:14
04.  Ramona				3:24
05.  Satellite			4:36
06.  (buy a Burrito, see Guster)	0:57
07.  Amsterdam			4:09
08.  Happier				4:43
09.  Manifest Destiny		3:38
10.  Come Downstairs & Say Hello	6:44
11.  ("tour w/ Andrew Bird")		0:47
12.  One Man Wrecking Machine	3:48	
13.  ("new this tour")		0:22
14.  Red Oyster Cult			4:06
15.  Great Escape			3:25

DISK 2		(36:01)

01.  (college religion)		1:32
02.  Keep It Together		4:43
03.  New Underground			3:03
04.  Demons				4:19
05.  ("last song of set")		0:30
06.  Fa Fa				5:37
07.  (Joe's song)			2:04
08.  Hang On				4:37
09.  ("Day at Navy Pier")		0:24
10.  Airport Song			4:09	
11.  (thank you's)			1:24
12.  Barrel of a Gun			3:32

NOTES:  This show was for Loyola students only!  Listen for Ryan talking about ticket sales and Chipotle?!?!?!  The crowd was a bit small, maybe 2000 tops.
The setlist had "Thriller" written where "Airport Song" was so not sure if that was 
a last minute change.
Again, THANKS go out to Paul for the taping spot, and to Allyson F. for again going 
the extra mile for a grateful friend.* A special thanks to Lauren for the education
on Biodiesel fuel!!!


p.s. - for all those who were not at the show or seeing the band this tour, I was allowed to tape the opening act as well, Andrew Bird, who is certainly worth the download and listen!!!
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jul 24 2006 14:49:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jul 24 2006 14:55:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t01.flac:83d36bf734e7e8cfd797203339848bb3
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Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t03.flac:a7643e54fba160a0419eb9ec478f6907
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t04.flac:caeaffabdb276d098a8494acc7eb9548
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t05.flac:a1a10656b357856ab2ebce5b8ad10e7c
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t06.flac:bae5e523511ddf59649d549328dacded
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t07.flac:242283507524baab0ff9a71197854eb8
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d1t08.flac:c1ec2f9fce63ced5f03f92c7d197cabc
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Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t03.flac:559ef52bc2b2f468ddd1a3fb8ded3acd
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t04.flac:229b3fa4d63915750857024ed72b896f
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t05.flac:d267a22986e110a2fa3755ed076b812e
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t06.flac:c93c5e858fd08744b57868920fe05164
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t07.flac:7387b84014d9d384c2804cc1ead20c32
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t08.flac:ba2631c974fc5e8ce264df574267e62a
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t09.flac:8e992b74547b145410f4eccc82eb725f
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t10.flac:1cc4363e63abc70a5c8f2ceaa216aa95
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t11.flac:f3a4c33d845c533e2b19aab74aea4679
Guster 2006-04-11.akg.481.v3.d2t12.flac:32c69f4b58c66b45aafbf5467139837b

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