SHNID 75607 The Tragically Hip 2004-12-05
Metro Centre, Halifax, NS
Summary (download all files)
Panasonic Digital Video Camcorder, PV-GS15> Ulead Video Recorder>Cool Edit Pro 2>WAV>FLAC
Textdoc (download)
The Tragically Hip Metro Centre Halifax, Nova Scotia December 5th, 2004 Recording gear: Panasonic Digital Video Camcorder, PV-GS15 Audio transfer: Ulead Video Recorder>Cool Edit Pro 2>WAV>FLAC Tapers: Darren Talbot, Jamie Innes, Rory Young Disc 1: 1. Vaccination Scar 2. Fully Completely 3. My Music at Work 4. Gus: The Polar Bear from Central Park 5. Bobcaygeon 6. Locked in the Trunk of a Car 7. Summer's Killing Us 8. Courage 9. As Makeshift As We Are 10. Giftshop 11. Ahead by a Century 12. It Can't Be Nashville Every Night 13. At the Hundredth Meridian 14, Are We Family 15. Poets 16. New Orleans is Sinking Disc 2: 1. Heaven is a Better Place Today 2. Long Time Running 3. Little Bones 4. You're Everywhere 5. Boots or Hearts 6. Blow at High Dough
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Created At
Mon Jul 17 2006 13:42:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jun 06 2008 11:35:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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