SHNID 75018 Black Crowes 1997-07-03
Forest Hills Tennis Center, Queens, NY
Summary (download all files)
DAUD: Cass(gen?)/Nakamichi LX-3>M-Audio Microtrack>USB 2.0>CD WAV 1.2.3>Wavelab 5>FLAC
Textdoc (download)
Black Crowes 07.03.1997 Forest Hills Tennis Center Queens, NY Source: Unknown DAUD Transfer: Unknown Gen Cassette/Nakamichi LX-3>M-Audio Microtrack(@24/48)>USB 2.0>CD WAV 1.2.3>Wavelab 5>FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 01. Cursed Diamond 02. Tied Up & Swallowed 03. Paint An 8 04. Jealous Again 05. Girl From A Pawnshop 06. Thorn In My Pride 07. Nonfiction// 08. //Hard To Handle Furthur Jam ~ 07.03.1997 (All other info same as above) 01. Feelin' Alright 02. Sugaree 03. Midnight Hour 04. Jumping Jack Flash Notes: Tape flip during "Nonfiction". Unknown amount of music (likely less than 30 seconds)missing. I faded out the end of "Nonfiction" and faded in the intro of "Hard To Handle" for as smooth a transition as possible. There are no cuts or fades between tracks tbc1997-07-03t08 & furthurjam1997-07-03t01, meaning all files can be burned together (with the exception of the already listed tape flip) seamlessly. Dithered to 16 bit (UV-22hr), resampled to 44.1kHz, and all fades added with Wavelab 5 Sector Boundaries verified using SHN Tool (see output file) Transferred by Nick Graham (
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jul 13 2006 15:47:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Dec 07 2006 13:02:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
tbc1997-07-03t03.flac:c517daf639caf705830f52be77481a6a tbc1997-07-03t04.flac:f2d52bc962beae5dc28431765e6bf7a2 tbc1997-07-03t05.flac:aae083df1d38c88ef7ba5bdf8058f1bc tbc1997-07-03t06.flac:eb8c246b924be332fce0d6826aa2c1eb tbc1997-07-03t07.flac:770cd4e1c3a1288451857f250fe54d63 tbc1997-07-03t08.flac:19c3202b41fa4c12ea2dab378756d378 furthurjam1997-07-03t01.flac:b3bda7ee98a5bb6d3f2407b9c400abfe furthurjam1997-07-03t02.flac:d3f60cc09e06b0a8f4a1f6e8ace89717 furthurjam1997-07-03t03.flac:5b3894ae3cb1fbec4bca43547886983c furthurjam1997-07-03t04.flac:f753aeda51be25f9f80a8c25d1f8d7a1 tbc1997-07-03t01.flac:7b4d6bce9c3a1e0e7ae805e582692c42 tbc1997-07-03t02.flac:19194e5f3f9109d5870ec7d7e846e13d
md5 (download)
36890bad6272e2f032f694b1e02c5811 *furthurjam1997-07-03t01.flac 5d74b5b65b46ec952d3e97b978bf46a4 *furthurjam1997-07-03t02.flac 026805ef0ef5c97512eb1c1d593a0f8e *furthurjam1997-07-03t03.flac 6d2b8b5c11e037d7838b68ce7575ee7e *furthurjam1997-07-03t04.flac cb9997988be853d41eda23df1c472e37 *tbc&furthurjam1997-07-03.16bit fingerprint.txt aea1325c261ed0f0a431e76eb1b67538 *tbc&furthurjam1997-07-03.16bit information.txt 7c1ccd2a6cbda56ad9417eb4c70db5eb *tbc1997-07-03t01.flac 2b6b7d6c696fac84c724861299cb97c3 *tbc1997-07-03t02.flac 089a89a5302edcc686a898dc55cf29ff *tbc1997-07-03t03.flac 9c57920a9c02d67816864e5696789909 *tbc1997-07-03t04.flac 05acc547cf5301b1cf73049a1ee2b5f6 *tbc1997-07-03t05.flac fa753311e5b11bf6bc56d413213238a9 *tbc1997-07-03t06.flac 17d8453e1c0cb7f4525b1575d3377d7b *tbc1997-07-03t07.flac 3b6c8ef5b0fee988395d68ea5f0b7a4b *tbc1997-07-03t08.flac
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