SHNID 74772 The Slip 2003-08-17
Berkshire Mountain Music Festival, Upper Lodge, Great Barrington, MA
Summary (download all files)
Taped: DFC AKG C3000B-> Edirol UA-5-> Sony D8
Transfer: Sony D8-> Denon DN-C550R-> CDR->EAC->CDwav-> FLAC Frontend-> FLAC
Transfer: Sony D8-> Denon DN-C550R-> CDR->EAC->CDwav-> FLAC Frontend-> FLAC
Textdoc (download)
The Slip w/ Marco Benevento 8/17/2003 D'Addario Improv Workshop Upper Lodge Berkshire Mountain Music Festival Great Barrington, MA Taped: DFC AKG C3000B-> Edirol UA-5-> Sony D8 Transfer: Sony D8-> Denon DN-C550R-> CDR->EAC->CDwav-> FLAC Frontend-> FLAC taped and transfer by Tapers note: I was outside in the merch tent staying dry when someone came to me and said The Slip were playing in the Upper Lodge. So in the rain I went down got my gear and ran it up to tape the set. They had already played a song before I had the gear set up. So the show starts off in the middle of the second song. There was no PA the recoding is just the bands amps. During the section where they were answering questions my deck stopped so the tape is missing some of the questions. When I started the recording again it was a little bassier. All in all its a good show to have. For Marco and Slip fans Enjoy!!! ~ted
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Created At
Wed Jul 12 2006 22:19:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Oct 07 2006 14:10:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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