SHNID 74248 Benevento/Russo 2006-06-04
Hunter Mountain Ski Area, Hunter, NY
Summary (download all files)
(FOB/DFC) Neumann U89i (subcard*, -80h, 12in/70deg)>
Lunatec V2> Apogee Minime> Tascam HD-P2 (16/44.1)
Cool Edit Pro 2 (fade in/out, hard limit**)> CD Wave (tracked)>
Flac Fronted.
Lunatec V2> Apogee Minime> Tascam HD-P2 (16/44.1)
Cool Edit Pro 2 (fade in/out, hard limit**)> CD Wave (tracked)>
Flac Fronted.
Textdoc (download)
Benevento Russo Duo Mountain Jam Hunter Mountain Hunter, New York 6-4-2006 (FOB/DFC) Neumann U89i (subcard*, -80h, 12in/70deg)> Lunatec V2> Apogee Minime> Tascam HD-P2 (16/44.1) Cool Edit Pro 2 (fade in/out, hard limit**)> CD Wave (tracked)> Flac Fronted. I don't have the set list and I did the best I could with the tracking. Feel free to email me with reseed requests. It would be super cool if someone could put this up on Archive for me! Recorded by Ed Guidry ( * The right microphone was set to hypercard for the first song. It was changed to subcard in between the first and second song. ** Cut out the section where I turned off the V2 to change from hyper to subcard.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jul 10 2006 15:36:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Feb 18 2007 14:03:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
flac.ffp (download)
duo2006-06-04(u89)t01.flac:93faa98833d32175e36020b88f80ae88 duo2006-06-04(u89)t02.flac:c2840e78277308d4768a0882160253cc duo2006-06-04(u89)t03.flac:c830a8b948dabd5c7028e44091b5e95b duo2006-06-04(u89)t04.flac:3b0c84a9136d40f5deaa1245914aa36a duo2006-06-04(u89)t05.flac:d5ddb3d547af11a218bb0b4818bb2a3e duo2006-06-04(u89)t06.flac:86384b711edd831ea00483c870a317b7 duo2006-06-04(u89)t07.flac:1dde2f7e87cfcbf878b2fc09499ee732
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