SHNID 74049 Radiohead 2006-06-17
Great Stage Park, Manchester, TN

Summary (download all files)
Matrix: Binaurals > Sony D8-DAT + Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > Lunatec V3 > Edirol R4

Textdoc (download)
2 Source Matrix
What Stage
Manchester, TN

Mix Made By Trui76 from these sources:

- #1 Taped by: Kenny Endlich [nikres] (

	Source: Binaurals > Sony D8-DAT
	Tracked using CDWave
	Encoded using Flac Frontend

- #2 Taper:  Ed

	Location: 15\' FOB, JLOC, 5\' Stand
	Mics: DIN
	Source:  Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > Lunatec V3 > Edirol R4
	Format: 24-bit, 96khz
	Conversion: Edirol R4 > USB > PC
	Edit: Resampling in Sound Forge 8.0
	Dither: MegaBitMax
	Tracking: Cd-Wave Editor
Many thanks to the tapers!

Decoded using FLAC frontend.
Wav files joined by MP3 Cutter Joiner
Mixed and cutted using Audacity
Encoded To FLAC again by FLAC frontend (level 6)

During Karma Police there were a few seconds missing in one of the two sources. I corrected it,
but a few seconds the sound is a bit different.

Do NOT sell this show. If you see this show for sale on ebay or anywhere else, please report the seller to ebay and paypal.

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01. There There				05:30
02. 2+2=5				03:50
03. 15 Step				04:48
04. Arpeggi				04:22
05. Exit Music (For A Film)		04:49
06. Kid A				03:47
07. Dollars & Cents			05:17
08. Videotape				04:51
09. No Surprises			04:23
10. Paranoid Android			06:16
11. The Gloaming			03:36
12. National Anthem			04:49
13. Climbing Up The Walls		04:21
14. Nude				05:10
15. Street Spirit (Fade Out)		04:50
16. The Bends				04:24
17. Myxomatosis				05:02
18. How To Disappear Completely	+Crowd	11:28
	Encore 1
19. You And Whose Army? 		03:34
20. Pyramid Song			04:48
21. Like Spinning Plates		03:20
22. Fake Plastic Trees			05:22
23. Bodysnatchers			05:08
24. Lucky				04:19
25. Idioteque				04:22
26. Karma Police + Crowd		08:16
	Encore 2
27. House Of Cards			05:50
28. Everything In Its Right Place	08:37


01 There There.flac:db0945418e0c652d43a93d16a73a6cc5
02 2+2=5.flac:ea4526ee47dd70a2c5033169878289e8
03 15 Step.flac:517ec3716827b35b443d6771fecb0893
04 Arpeggi.flac:9ad0068bc23bbc6e87bee139ce6ace77
05 Exit Music (For a Film).flac:4b525f76eaf7d0e8ad03142684c7b7ba
06 Kid A.flac:2e25840d0c4d843bfccff5971f91f520
07 Dollars & Cents.flac:1980d3666594c38051fcbf8527aacc39
08 Videotape.flac:3e2d1e2dcc5dc58da8ac898592317a1d
09 No Surprises.flac:3b8c78a2440913111ce5f4d8d33124a4
10 Paranoid Android.flac:e5acdbed527689ec8039fdcce13f7782
11 The Gloaming.flac:0f28745ab2d526f20f330ce7e3cbebf7
12 National Anthem.flac:97a0e1a371a10658cae60e9f9746e5b1
13 Climbing Up The Walls.flac:6fb9013a2ff14730b674bcb01a92e4e0
14 Nude.flac:bd1174c84cf5d1d943ba319091c44edd
15 Street Spirit (Fade Out).flac:355904ca434beb9423ae790a23fb8b43
16 The Bends.flac:edcc577785b8ef668e6f6aa9c4802be5
17 Myxomatosis.flac:cd043953c712d888da4f7126268aba1e
18 How To Disappear Completely.flac:7006f50793f6f772a005c71132011e71
19 You And Whose Army.flac:be2296b00fa9971925c3a69df7cdae2e
20 Pyramid Song.flac:7ac600dca74f4c1844526f1a325e120a
21 Like Spinning Plates.flac:d07f2c313bf750b29c5b950df445c178
22 Fake Plastic Trees.flac:4164e5b38f3c9bea9ca43340b70f6b24
23 Bodysnatchers.flac:6c1b9ed15441493f6866432dcee4cb61
24 Lucky.flac:cceeb8dcb1214fafc10fcf241b679256
25 Idiotheque.flac:e39ba82e70c6cb5855997654d2a39823
26 Karma Police.flac:d2d541ed46aefa843b04b14aea6f9f54
27 House Of Cards.flac:c0e10dfa5164e15c580ae2a40e9fabc1
28 Everything In It\'s Right Place.flac:bd1eab952eae4ef12d9b0f9eff37ceae
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Jul 07 2006 18:47:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jul 14 2006 22:40:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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