SHNID 72761 Allgood 1991-05-31
Georgia Theater, Athens, GA

Summary (download all files)
Allgood/Mike Sain > sbd -> dat -> cd -> wav -> shn

Textdoc (download)
Georgia Theater

I received this cd from Mike Sain, the bass player from Allgood.  It is a soundboard recording.  I received it as a CD.
So my best guess is that it is as follows:
SBD > Tape > Computer > CD > Wav > SHN

Not all the songs are individual tracks.  Some of the splicing from the end of one song may not exactly match up to the next song.
I'm not sure how the songs were cut into individual tracks. I kept them in the original form that I received them.  I received most of 
songs on one disk and only 2 songs on a second disk.  I reorganized the songs so set I is on one disk and set II is on a second disk.

Set I - Disk 1

1.  Spiney Norman > Funky House
2.  Strings
3.  Chore Boy
4.  Mornin'
5.  Cork's Baby
6.  A Song
7.  Latent
8.  Can't Get Next To You
9.  Deadly
10. Semprini

Set II - Disk 2
1.  Overload
2.  The Nights You're On
3.  Run Like Hell 
4.  Monkey > Stop! Look!
5.  Trilogy
6.  Train Song

Please keep this in the original form.  Any questions, let me know at

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat May 14 2011 21:36:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
94576c5bc012be96fa07cf4aa91122f5 *Allgood1991-05-31d2t06.shn
c53354e33b6a4a94b4010ebb5a0bec85 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t01.shn
24c80e931ebaee70127bfadf02ba42d0 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t02.shn
727ac616c6a8d31c87da212beee8bdb3 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t03.shn
1131de100055a4ccd1bce5cff41a010d *Allgood1991-05-31d1t04.shn
513563a3802335fae821f325fa447d58 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t05.shn
5a249b85d0caf7c165f8a2075597c19a *Allgood1991-05-31d1t06.shn
77bdd6e9013492ef71d56cb9317f9fbd *Allgood1991-05-31d1t07.shn
1b7d623c3c0e0ff87bd986920a468f27 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t08.shn
1fd6bbea561499ac36c5a4250ba02687 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t09.shn
e19a502ccd6fd6ae666d3b890afd1164 *Allgood1991-05-31d1t10.shn
a15a5054139576e703d900331414cfd3 *Allgood1991-05-31d2t01.shn
9d5ff4db1006edb389d7a8bc11ceb96e *Allgood1991-05-31d2t02.shn
aee33ff8dd6b12d9105520df269cd815 *Allgood1991-05-31d2t03.shn
0e729f6c9fc1a9789629a7f6fc35c800 *Allgood1991-05-31d2t04.shn
aaf155d2773bb9180db8bc628fa2e9a5 *Allgood1991-05-31d2t05.shn

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