Les Instants Chavirés, Paris, France

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Unknown > Unknown

Textdoc (download)
A Silver Mt. Zion
les instants chavir?s, paris, fr
80:00 min.

01. broken chord can sing a little
02. sit in the middle of three galloping dogs
03. stumble then rise on some awkward morning
04. movie (never made)
05. blown-out joy from heaven's mercied hole
06. built then burnt + take these hands and throw them in the river
07. could've moved mountains
08. for wanda 

note : efrim introduces the set in french with 'ce concert est d?di? ? la fin de l'?tat et au d?but de la communaut?' (this concert is dedicated to the end of the state and the start of a community).
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Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu May 26 2011 07:18:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
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