SHNID 7088 Phish 1992-04-21
Redwood Acres Fairgrounds, Eureka, CA

Summary (download all files)
SBD(?) > Cass/x > JVC MX-D402T tape deck > headphone jack > Vortex PCI (analog card) > CDWav > WAV > mkwACT > SHNv3; Transferred by Kevin Kress; Note: missing encores

Textdoc (download)
Phish 4-21-92

Redwood Acres Fairgrounds
Eureka, CA

Seeded by Kevin Kress ( on 1-26-2002

* Please read the detailed notes about this seed, at the end of
  this file! *


SBD? (sounds like it) > ? > Cass(X) > Cass(X+1, mine) > JVC MX-D402T
ministereo tape deck, volume set to 7 > analog stereo audio cable
(headphones jack) > Vortex PCI sound card (cheap and cheesy) > CD Wave
1.62 (PCM WAV, 44100Hz, 16-bit, stereo; track splits) > WAV > mkwACT
0.97 BETA 1 > SHN (seek tables appended)

Track listing:

Disc 1

 1. (Set I intro)		 0:48
 2. Suzy Greenberg		 5:37
 3. Uncle Pen			 4:29
 4. Split Open and Melt		10:41
 5. Rift			 8:06
 6. Guelah Papyrus		 6:01
 7. Possum // (*) (^)		10:48
 8. // Possum (*)		 1:55
 9. It's Ice			 8:51
10. Eliza			 1:27
11. NICU			 5:49
12. Bouncing Around the Room	 3:50

(*) tape flip near the end of the song; I opted to include both parts
    as separate tracks
(^) has "secret language" intro

Disc 2

 1. David Bowie			12:19
 2. (Set II intro)		 1:01
 3. Dinner and a Movie		 3:50
 4. Colonel Forbin's Ascent >	11:05
 5. Famous Mockingbird		 6:21
 6. Tweezer			13:06
 7. Tela			 6:03

Disc 3

 1. Mike's Song >		 7:43
 2. I Am Hydrogen >		 3:20
 3. Weekapaug Groove		 8:47
 4. Weigh			 5:52
 5. Cold As Ice			 2:30
 6. Catapult (@) > 		 0:32
 7. Cold As Ice			 0:33
 8. Hold Your Head Up		 0:27
 9. Lively Up Yourself >	 4:41
10. Hold Your Head Up		 1:05
11. Random Vocal Jam		 1:03
12. Sanity			 4:51
13. Maze // (#)			 4:55

(@) Mike solo, with no instruments
(#) cut short (at very end)

MISSING are the encores
(E: Memories, Sweet Adeline, Cavern)


This show is very special to me because 1. it was the first live Phish
show I ever got (back in 1995) and 2. the jamming in "Split Open and
Melt" was what really hooked me on to the band and eventually turned
me in to a Phishhead.

Kind thanks goes to Jason "Fesick" Roberts for providing me with my
copy of the tapes, seven years ago in Potsdam.  Thanks, little buddy!

So, since '95, I've been listening to these tapes.  In the past few
years, I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the show to come
out in SHN format, so that I could upgrade my copy from the cassette
tapes to CD-R.  No luck.

So, I've waited and waited for some kind soul with a DAT copy to do
the transfer-- no luck, even after years of patiently waiting.  So,
I've decided to do the transfer myself, from my cassette tapes.

I can't pretend that the quality is great (the tape hiss is very
noticeable), but this show is just nothing short of amazing-- and
it deserves to get out to eTree distribution immediately.  It's already
been too long without most phans hearing it.

So, enjoy it.  I know that some day a better seed of this show will
come along-- y'know, one that doesn't have so many (or any) cassette
generations, one that's complete (no cuts, has the encores), and one
that is much crisper in sound quality.  But until that day comes,
enjoy this seed!  It's the best I can do to spread this jewel.

Any comments or questions, e-mail me (address is above). Thanks.
-- KK

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jan 28 2002 23:21:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Oct 03 2017 08:01:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn-md5 (download)
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