Makor, New York, NY
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Sbd > DAT > DA-P1>M-Audio Audiophile2496 USB>CDWAV ; CD>EAC>PC. CoolEdit Pro. CDWAVE. MKWACT>shn
Textdoc (download)
Piamenta Band, with Avi Piamenta Makor 2004-03-03 NYC SBD>DAT DA-P1>M-Audio Audiophile2496 USB>CDWAV CD>EAC>PC. CoolEdit Pro. CDWAVE. MKWACT>shn D1: 1. Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah 2. Yehuda 3. Moshe Kibel Torah 4. Hashem or Li 5. Elkana 6. Kol Hamesameach 7. Ve-Hoo Rachum D2: 1. Shlichet Mitzvah 2. Eretz Ein Brerah 3. Chabibi 4. percussion solo 5. Dream of Redemption 6. Yalla Mashiach 7. Vayiven Uziyah Yosi Piamenta (guitar and vocals) Avi Piamenta (flute) Yehuda Piamenta (rhythm guitar) Moni Piamenta (vocals) Shai Bachar (keyboard) Asaf Schor (drums) Nir Graf (bass) Michael Hinton (percussion) Yosi's brother Avi was in town and joined the band for this special show. The flute really adds a new dimension to the band's sound. Makor's blurb:
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Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
md5 (download)
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