SHNID 69797 Gary Jules 2004-03-23
Canes Bar & Grill, San Diego, CA

Summary (download all files)
AT831 > SP-SPSC-1 batt. box (w/ bass rolloff set @ 107 Hz) > (line-in) Sharp MD-MT15 > Sony MDS-JE510 (optical OUT) > M-Audio DiO 2448 (optical IN) > Sound Forge 6.0 > WAV > mkw 0.97 > SHN (no DAE, seek tables appended)

Textdoc (download)
Gary Jules
Canes Bar & Grill
San Diego, CA
March 23, 2004

Taper: Tyler Huff (
Source: AT831 > SP-SPSC-1 batt. box (w/ bass rolloff set @ 107 Hz) > (line-in) Sharp MD-MT15 

Transfer: Sony MDS-JE510 (optical OUT) > M-Audio DiO 2448 (optical IN) > Sound Forge 6.0 > WAV > mkw 0.97 > SHN (no DAE, seek tables appended)


Disk 1
01 - The Crossing > [05:18.25]
02 - Overground [04:51.41]
03 - Broke Window [03:05.45]
04 - DTLA [05:24.01]
05 - Nothing [04:50.11]
06 - No Poetry [06:35.32]
07 - The Princess of Hollywood Way [05:34.20]
08 - Ghosts [05:53.21]
09 - Pills [04:34.55]
10 - Umbilical Town [05:21.03]
11 - I Shall Be Released * [06:59.05]
12 - Mad World [03:37.73]
13 - E: Barstool [06:50.54]
14 - E: Little Greenie [05:18.02]

Total: [74:13.52]


* Bob Dylan cover

Playing with Gary:

Heather Brown - backup vocals
Al Sgro - percussion, backup vocals

Opening the show was Jim Bianco and Tristan Prettyman. Their sets were also recorded.
Support local music and local musicians
Never pay for "bootlegs" or live recordings
This show should be traded for free from fan to fan

let me know if you have setlist information or corrections

Conversion and Compilation done by: (03/31/04)
Edits / track cuts with Soundforge 6.0 and CD Wave 1.71
Edits / track cuts with Soundforge 6.0 and CD Wave 1.71
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
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d9df3b29f0395926f631a6f4231aebe5 *gjules2004-03-23d1t03.shn
a5d7c5162bf8808e4f618644700431a7 *gjules2004-03-23d1t04.shn
d040e7ba526914458b72f797f1f4e4e5 *gjules2004-03-23d1t05.shn
27b41c313d8e245627cb30a15ade089b *gjules2004-03-23d1t06.shn
82a53b17a172978986384660be08c198 *gjules2004-03-23d1t07.shn
18871628ec44b572b708a2fad8e123e5 *gjules2004-03-23d1t08.shn
bcbbdffde6610a3a3014fe3e36a6e902 *gjules2004-03-23d1t09.shn
74aeea50c0c6427af5f6ba8b830eacb4 *gjules2004-03-23d1t10.shn
efc1ca4c4308402447156af8f2a84a64 *gjules2004-03-23d1t11.shn
2f8525a3f751344436775688f216f092 *gjules2004-03-23d1t12.shn
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a1767345acc352231985ef5df52d8590 *gjules2004-03-23d1t01.shn

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