Canopy Club, Urbana, IL
Textdoc (download)
Mike Doughty May 12, 2004 Canopy Club, Urbana, IL Taper: Brian Emerick <> Source: Creative USB MP3+ -> HP ze1230 notebook -> WAV *************************** ***DO NOT TRADE AS MP3!!*** *************************** - Opening for Galactic - 01: Grey Ghost 02: St. Louise is Listening 03: Madeline and Nine 04: Soft Serve 05: Rising Sign 06: Never Gonna Come Back Down $ 07: Looking At The World From the Bottom of a Well 08: Shunned + Falsified * 09: Thank You, Lord, For Sending Me the F-Train * 10: Tremendous Brunettes * 11: American Car * 12: Unsingable Name * 13: Fire Truck 14: Janine * $ BT cover * Stanton Moore on drums (Galactic) notes: -- the shows starts 15 seconds into the first song (wasn't plugged in) and has screwy levels till about halfway through Louise. this is present originally. -- later on Mike came out with Galactic and rapped on "People Are Bad" and then they played Circles. compiled 5/13/04 by brian emerick.
Media Size
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SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
md5 (download)
c8280d8288ff2b819cdb04b89cbbe3f7 *doughty2004-05-12t01.shn 3d873b851afadf35343cc2f7b8313721 *doughty2004-05-12t02.shn d5db330beed5123d06c369dbf02e6e5c *doughty2004-05-12t03.shn b4a6f92e05763ab9e25bc9ba4a0a1f59 *doughty2004-05-12t04.shn 842428c9866eb0774e4bc7bbcd09b55f *doughty2004-05-12t05.shn c98fca82b7982ca5bcea7cca504996c3 *doughty2004-05-12t06.shn 5d5feb0b485211c861a3d761d4d5db35 *doughty2004-05-12t07.shn 3a5423587d6c4b16054f63f26dd25953 *doughty2004-05-12t08.shn 02a7f3b0dd54059445b8991117056c5d *doughty2004-05-12t09.shn 541ba9cbc8b30ce3c8d1043f5bccb758 *doughty2004-05-12t10.shn d80ec802f04e7243f000c0ece2e53ac5 *doughty2004-05-12t11.shn dd34f420d26b62eaf853104732aca0d6 *doughty2004-05-12t12.shn fa74d181586b100cd81564c3391719a5 *doughty2004-05-12t13.shn d5333d33224cec952f5a3cf546016921 *doughty2004-05-12t14.shn
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