8 x 10 Club, Baltimore, MD

Summary (download all files)
AMS ST250> AMS Control Box (Blumlein) 10 feet DFC front of stage> Modified Sony D10 Pro II > Master DAT played back in a Sony D8 > M-Audio Auiophile USB > Sony PCV-RS410 Soundforge v 7.0 for resampling CD Wave Editor for tracking Flac Frontend

Textdoc (download)
Second Sight:  3-27-97
8 X 10 Club . Baltimore, MD

Recorded by Ron Keyser using the AMS ST250 (Blumlein Technique about 10 feet from the stage on a stand) > AMS Control Box> Modified Sony D10 Pro II.

Transfer By Ron Keyser using DAT Master.  Played back in a Sony D8> M-Audio Audiophile USB> Sony PCV-RS410.  Sound Forge v7.0 used for resampling.  CD Wave Editor used for tracking > Flac Frontend.

Second Sight is...
Bob Bralove - Keyboards
Bobby Strickland - Sax and stuff
Henry Kaiser - Guitar
Paul Van Wageningen - Bass
Marc Van Wageningen - Drums

Bob Bralove recently described the music of Second Sight saying, .Every song is a musical voyage, a search to find a place where all the band members resonate individually and together. It is that sympathetic resonance and group vibration that is the source of the band.s communication..
(Relix Magazine: Issue 26-01)

Disc 1 Set One:
Track 1. West Coast Salute
Track 2. ?
Track 3. Walk On Guilded Splinters
Track 4. Birdsong
Track 5. Dance To The Music

Disc 2 Set One Cont.
Track 1. ?
Track 2. ?   (Set Two)
Track 3. Scarlet Begonias
Track 4. ?
Track 5. ? >
Track 6. ?
Track 7. ?

Any help with the set list is cool.
Problems or questions. e-mail me at recording@comcast.net

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Sep 22 2008 20:02:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
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7c3788ec76561865b53f6d35aba48a76 *KAISER1997-03-27d2t07.flac

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