SHNID 66639 Honey White 2002-09-27
948 Camino Pescadero, Isla Visa, CA

Summary (download all files)
Roland VS-890 digital 8-track (master) > to HD via n-track studio (mixing & mastering)

Textdoc (download)
Honey White
948 Camino Pescadero - Isla Visa, CA

Source: Roland VS-890 digital 8-track (master)  
A>D Transfer: to HD via n-track studio (mixing & mastering)
SHN Transfer: 

Taper: Keir DuBois
A>D Transfer by Keir DuBois
DAT>SHN Transfer by Keir DuBois
Tracking and Fixes by Keir DuBois (

Disc 1:                    43:25

01. Heart On A Platter     03:44
02. Windward Mark  	   02:30
03. The Shivering Sand     03:09
04. One Last Hallelujah    03:48
05. Mercy Rule             05:10
06. How Far Away           03:19
07. The Sandman		   02:29
08. Unprofessional         02:27
09. Fatal Flaws            03:44
10. Pisces Lullabye        04:04
11. You Let Me Fall	   03:26
12. The Lightning Rod	   05:35
13. Heart On A Platter (Shutdown Version)

-This show was recorded & mixed in stereo on a Roland VS-890 digital 8-track.

Bonus track included is Heart On A Platter from the very next night's show, 9/28/02. This is the only song played from that show before the police shut down the band.

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This show should be traded for free from fan to fan.

.shn files compiled by on 05/30/05
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
140aba7308e4e773c73dd08df5425f82 *hw2002-09-27d1t01.shn
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7915cb78f7c78a2f8f7ef4a725a4bb0f *hw2002-09-27d1t13.shn

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