The Warsaw, Brooklyn, NY
Textdoc (download)
GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR! Warsaw, Brooklyn, NY 04-03-03 - Taper: Crimson (mastered by Giles) Source: DAB > MT-877 ******************************************************* DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3 OR SHN OR FLAC OR ANYTHING ALIKE, AND PLAY THESE CDS LOUD. ******************************************************* disc 1 01.* 02.Gathering Storm 03.09-15-00 04.Albanian disc 2 01.Dead Metheny 02.World Police And Friendly Fire 03.Rockets Fall On Rocket Falls 04.* 05.* 06.Moya Note: The first night had a few skips (4-5) in the soundboard that came out through the venue's speakers. Only occurred once or twice the second night.
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jul 02 2011 22:34:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
md5 (download)
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