Callahan's, Cheshire, CT

Summary (download all files)
SET 1 has not been transfered to SHN and the source is a borad matrix.

Set 2 source:
digi001/protools 5.1
10 tracks total

4 vocals
1 guitar
1 lesly hi/lo + sax on submix
1 keys
1 bass direct
2 akg483>dmic>s/pdif>digi001 (stage mics x-y)

Textdoc (download)
Psychedelic Breakfast

August 31st, 2001 - Callahan's - Cheshire, CT

set 2 only!! (dave has set 1)

Disk 1
1. What The Funk^^ >
2. The Vermont Song^^
3. Language Of The Gods^^
4. Jam# >
5. Hardcore Jollies >
6 Tribal Funk Affliction##
Disk 2 
1. Kote >
2. Beef Barley
3. Question Mark And The Mind
4. Terrapin Station

^^ with James Albis (The Elastic Band) on Saxophone.
# with 'Cosmic Slop' (Funkadelic) teases.
## with 'Low Rider' (War) teases.

digi001/protools 5.1
10 tracks total

4 vocals
1 guitar
1 lesly hi/lo + sax on submix
1 keys 
1 bass direct
2 akg483>dmic>s/pdif>digi001 (stage mics x-y)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Dec 22 2001 21:52:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Dec 22 2001 21:52:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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