Zollman's Pavilion, Buffalo Creek Music Festival, Lexington, VA
Summary (download all files)
flac1644 Schoeps mk4-> VMS02IB-> DA-P1 @44.1; DA-P1-> Lucid PCI 24-> PEAK LE-> JAM-> PLEXTOR 8/2-> SHN-> WAV-> FLAC(8)-> MediaTagger; Taped by Marc "the Medic" Chapman; Transferred by Bret Maxwell Dawson
Textdoc (download)
The Disco Biscuits May 19, 2000 Zollman's Pavilion Buffalo Creek Music Festival Lexington, VA Entire show without Marc Brownstein on bass Source: Schoeps M4>VMS02IB>DAP1@44.1 Transfer: DAP1 > Lucid PCI 24 > PEAK LE > JAM > PLEXTOR 8/20 > SHN > WAV* > FLAC(8) > MediaTagger Taped by Marc "the Medic" Chapman Transferred by Bret Maxwell Dawson for the now-defunct hearlive.com website * WAV editing done in SoundForge 6 by Dave Cooke to fix some sector boundary and tracking issues * The source I received was missing a minute of crowd noise after Svenghali, and there's a drop- * out 5:01 into Little Betty Boop and one shortly into Helicopters, but otherwise that's all that's * missing (and honestly I'd be surprised if you noticed were it not for me saying so). I also cleaned * up the audio in SoundForge to correct some abrupt volume changes, especially in the first set. In * some cases this involved using the EQ, especially to fix a few bass-specific volume adjustments. * Overall, though, the show sounds pretty good. Disc One: 72:23 Set One: 1. Mulberry's Dream -> 20:00 2. Spaga (1) 07:46 3. Above The Waves -> 13:07 4. Mulberry's Dream 11:59 5. Banter 02:15 6. Svenghali (2) 17:16 Disc Two: 64:00 Set One (cont.): 1. Little Betty Boop (3) 15:51 Set Two: 2. Unspoken Rhyme 13:07 3. Banter 01:47 4. Smoothie King (3) -> 10:38 5. I-Man (3) -> 19:11 6. Smoothie King (3) 02:57 7. Banter 00:29 Disc Three: 72:53 Set Two (cont.): 1. Banter 01:01 2. Spaga (1,4) -> 13:19 3. Floes 15:37 4. Tuning 02:21 5. Jigsaw Earth (3) 17:18 6. Banter 00:30 Encore: 7. Helicopters (5) -> 12:34 8. Above The Waves 10:13 (1) Dyslexic version (ending first) (2) With DJ Mauricio on 505 and Sammy on bass (3) With Jordan Crisman on bass (4) With Barber on bass for part of the jam (5) Unfinished length expanded size cdr WAVE problems fmt ratio filename 20:00.53 211804700 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5533 db2000-05-19d1t01.flac 7:46.74 82376492 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5319 db2000-05-19d1t02.flac 13:07.44 138930332 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.6141 db2000-05-19d1t03.flac 11:59.59 126970412 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5790 db2000-05-19d1t04.flac 2:15.71 23981036 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.3345 db2000-05-19d1t05.flac 17:16.53 182875100 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5814 db2000-05-19d1t06.flac 15:51.53 167880088 B -b- -- ---xx flac 0.5923 db2000-05-19d2t01.flac 13:07.71 138993836 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5706 db2000-05-19d2t02.flac 1:47.31 18947756 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.2995 db2000-05-19d2t03.flac 10:38.47 112653788 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5648 db2000-05-19d2t04.flac 19:11.39 203128172 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5662 db2000-05-19d2t05.flac 2:57.38 31312220 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.6014 db2000-05-19d2t06.flac 0:29.20 5162684 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.3759 db2000-05-19d2t07.flac 1:01.26 10821596 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.4233 db2000-05-19d3t01.flac 13:19.51 141063596 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5339 db2000-05-19d3t02.flac 15:37.20 165333884 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5517 db2000-05-19d3t03.flac 2:21.61 25015916 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.3775 db2000-05-19d3t04.flac 17:18.28 183169100 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.5637 db2000-05-19d3t05.flac 0:30.36 5376716 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.3496 db2000-05-19d3t06.flac 12:34.54 133132652 B --- -- ---xx flac 0.6317 db2000-05-19d3t07.flac 10:13.04 108142132 B -b- -- ---xx flac 0.6021 db2000-05-19d3t08.flac 209:28.32 2217072208 B 0.5651 (21 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
2.06 GB(2217072208 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 05 2023 15:26:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
all.ffp (download)
db2000-05-19d1t01.flac:885ad21cc0abe213984a7b112ae9f19a db2000-05-19d1t02.flac:a3aa8656771e8cabe83e936d45c2f552 db2000-05-19d1t03.flac:dc6b4a69f0b7e24499f46960ea6bbd10 db2000-05-19d1t04.flac:6e135b89039b8ab978625072dabae8ee db2000-05-19d1t05.flac:a03c57c48b1b5efe7a096aa5e37ec543 db2000-05-19d1t06.flac:817cede1b8333af380e9eefad2646256 db2000-05-19d2t01.flac:9a39c696a90641c55da685c730c27989 db2000-05-19d2t02.flac:fb303a0381d5257a502e8ed8a65e0348 db2000-05-19d2t03.flac:af2819baad71e20e63f1a6b3dc9e5a0d db2000-05-19d2t04.flac:4cf501dfe52ee0fff906c2ca811d5461 db2000-05-19d2t05.flac:7189a909abb1839542d0039cb0da0ded db2000-05-19d2t06.flac:3cbfda855688a6d910fc4f5b61306520 db2000-05-19d2t07.flac:c692ddff36f665d796fd0a22593abc1c db2000-05-19d3t01.flac:f23f66ae42a5f271a4d5b4d84bff6ed2 db2000-05-19d3t02.flac:9a3204afbbe548bb8442626ee8d23162 db2000-05-19d3t03.flac:11e62d5bcdb22c620b604199341da450 db2000-05-19d3t04.flac:b897fd7b8306f51d155ae3e6e8df4478 db2000-05-19d3t05.flac:eaafcc12face9966bc91ce2ff3ffc58d db2000-05-19d3t06.flac:ff56edea1b2c3ad7755cfb85ed507d5d db2000-05-19d3t07.flac:cace67daad58cb28e179953d25b272c9 db2000-05-19d3t08.flac:f8465cc55532c755dd898b9c397816fd
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