The Galaxy, St. Louis, MO

Summary (download all files)
FOB AKG 480'sck61 (NOS)-> Lunatec V2-> Sonic AD2K+-> DA-P1; Sony PCM-R500-> Prodif32-> Red Roaster-> CDWave-> SHN; Taped and encoded by Nick Colovos

Textdoc (download)
Plan C Approved
Taped by Nick Colovos
Date: 11/10/2002
Band: The Disco Biscuits
VENUE: The Galaxy, St. Louis, MO
Source:Microphones AkG480'ck61 NOS   Center (FOB)
Pre-amp: Lunatec V2 rolloff (2) 25gain
Analog > digital Converter : SONIC AD2K 16nn3 gain(18)
Decks: Dap1 > Sony PCM-R500
SoundCard: Prodif32
Software: RedRoaster > CD Wave > shn (fades)
Burner: Yamaha2100s
Tracked and Encoded By Nick Colovos
Verifiers Nick Colovos, Brian Falk

Set 1

Disc 1:
1. Crowd/Banter
2. Trooper McCue->
3. Run Like Hell->
4. Aquatic Ape(1)->
5. Little Lai
6. Spraypaint Victory

Disc 2:
1. Crowd/Tuning
2. Mr. Don->
3. The Thieving Magpie
--Set 2--
4. Banter
5. Munchkin Invasion
6. Shem-Rah Boo->
7. Down To The Bottom->
8. Astronaut

Disc 3:
1. Banter
2. Mindless Dribble->
3. Save The Robots->
4. Mindless Dribble->
5. Run Like Hell

(1) Inverted version.

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     1:07.54       11945852 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4052  db2002-11-10d1t01.shn
     9:39.56      102267356 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6436  db2002-11-10d1t02.shn
    15:05.74      159816092 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6310  db2002-11-10d1t03.shn
    13:00.21      137641436 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6043  db2002-11-10d1t04.shn
    14:54.41      157798076 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6343  db2002-11-10d1t05.shn
     8:30.23       90018140 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6467  db2002-11-10d1t06.shn
     0:32.53        5769500 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4285  db2002-11-10d2t01.shn
    12:41.32      134315708 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6280  db2002-11-10d2t02.shn
     8:15.72       87487388 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5861  db2002-11-10d2t03.shn
     1:36.01       16936796 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4044  db2002-11-10d2t04.shn
    12:23.60      131206364 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6437  db2002-11-10d2t05.shn
     9:39.72      102304988 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6536  db2002-11-10d2t06.shn
    14:40.46      155340236 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6202  db2002-11-10d2t07.shn
    17:15.45      182679884 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6000  db2002-11-10d2t08.shn
     2:53.70       30681884 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4178  db2002-11-10d3t01.shn
    11:24.50      120775244 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5870  db2002-11-10d3t02.shn
    14:05.31      149130956 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5983  db2002-11-10d3t03.shn
     8:40.20       91775084 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6732  db2002-11-10d3t04.shn
     1:02.44       11040332 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6883  db2002-11-10d3t05.shn
   177:31.40     1878931316 B                            0.6161  (19 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.75 GB(1878931316 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jan 07 2023 18:24:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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