Key Club, Los Angeles, CA

Summary (download all files)
Neumann KM 184-> Lunatec V2-> GP ADC-20-> DA-P1; DA20mkII-> Audio Magic Presto II-> ZA2-> Soundforge 4.5-> CDWav-> .shn; Transfer by Eric McRoberts; Encoded by Jon Goldberg

Textdoc (download)
The Disco Biscuits
October 8, 1999
Key Club, Los Angeles, CA

Source: Neumann KM 184>Lunatec V2>GP ADC-20>DA-P1
Transfer: DA20mkII->Audio Magic Presto II->ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn
Transfer by Eric McRoberts (
Encoded by Jon Goldberg

Disk 1
		Set I:
1.	Plan B
2.	Spaga >
3. 	I-Man

Disk 2
		Set I(Cont'd):
1.	Helicopters >
2.	Spaga
		Set II:
3. 	Shem-Rah Boo

Disk 3
		Set II(Cont'd):
1.	Above The Waves >
2.	Helicopters >
3.	The Thieving Magpie
4.	Once The Fiddler Paid
5.	Little Betty Boop

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     8:27.17       89474828 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6539  db1999-10-08d1t01.shn
    16:44.36      177190316 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5662  db1999-10-08d1t02.shn
    31:18.61      331422716 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5681  db1999-10-08d1t03.shn
    12:51.56      136136156 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5410  db1999-10-08d2t01.shn
     7:45.59       82164812 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5806  db1999-10-08d2t02.shn
    23:20.28      247025900 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5792  db1999-10-08d2t03.shn
    16:01.25      169579244 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5703  db1999-10-08d3t01.shn
     1:40.51       17759996 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6074  db1999-10-08d3t02.shn
     8:35.62       90991868 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5193  db1999-10-08d3t03.shn
    12:29.66      132278876 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5918  db1999-10-08d3t04.shn
    20:15.23      214380140 B   ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5747  db1999-10-08d3t05.shn
   159:31.34     1688404852 B                            0.5732  (11 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.57 GB(1688404852 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jan 03 2023 16:27:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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