SHNID 6260 Oysterhead 2001-11-17
Asheville Civic Center, Asheville, NC
Summary (download all files)
FOB Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > CMC6 > AD1000@48kHz (30th row, DFC, 6'3" high); Tascam DA-20mkII > RME96/8 > SF 5.0 > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Taped by Chas P. and Mikey K.; Transferred by Mikey K.
Textdoc (download)
oysterhead@ asheville civic center-asheville,n.c.01-11-17-all. source:schoeps mk4>kc5>cmc6>xlr's>ad1000@48k.(fob) on mini bogen@6'3" dfc 30th row....:)~ tapers:chas.p-mikey.k transfer:dat master in tascam da20mkII>rme96/8>s.f 5.0>cd wav(tracks)>mkw>shn. d01: 1)Owner Of The World 2)Polka Dot Rose 3)Oz Is Ever Floating 4)Shadow Of A Man*^ 5)Army's On Ecstasy* 6)Wield The Spade d02: 1)Birthday Boys 2)Pseudo Suicide# 3)Little Faces## 4)Rubberneck Lions### 5)Mr. Oysterhead 6)Immigrant Song * Trey on Matterhorn ^ Les in flashlight goggles and dayglo-star helmet # Moby Dick (Led Zepplin) tease by Trey ## The Other One (Grateful Dead) tease by Trey ### Tommy the Cat (Primus?) tease by Les peas and enjoy mikey.k:)
Media Size
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Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Dec 03 2001 12:44:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Dec 03 2001 12:44:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
97dcb3b634e7374413ae5468b4d682c0 *ohead01-11-17d01t01.shn 145d0e54b746f849f17c4c5e5ddce851 *ohead01-11-17d01t02.shn d55bc76a46ffe8827f09a09a3d4f53e8 *ohead01-11-17d01t03.shn 2063be14f26243a77bcd4058f354bbc8 *ohead01-11-17d01t04.shn ea0424dd2445da93e85d3ada7cc60aac *ohead01-11-17d01t05.shn d772ac7b77ac30bbba040ecc6e1f3405 *ohead01-11-17d01t06.shn
d2 (download)
2f3aa1f7b4001f12c16f74c2293a9ea0 *ohead01-11-17d02t01.shn df36cdb71eea2a422fae6cdd3a7081a4 *ohead01-11-17d02t02.shn bb5de94e005b0111dbc2dd5976ec9ec0 *ohead01-11-17d02t03.shn 58371b53ffc0b343e1e4b07c2604f135 *ohead01-11-17d02t04.shn 405b242eba1cdb7786a8e283ce94ca2e *ohead01-11-17d02t05.shn 1474709633b3a34856862c677de02fa5 *ohead01-11-17d02t06.shn
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