SHNID 6168 Oysterhead 2001-11-11
Tweeter Center, Camden, NJ
Summary (download all files)
Schoeps mk21 > kc5 > CMC6 (ORTF) > AD1000@44.1khz; Tascam DA-20mkII > RME96/8 > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Taped and transferred by Mikey K.
Textdoc (download)
oysterhead@the tweeter center-camden n.j.01-11-11-all. source:schoeps cmc6-mk21's>kc5>ad1k(ortf)@44.1khz's on mini bogen at 8.5feet. taper: mikey k. aka: transfer: dat master in tascam da20mkII>rme96/8>cd wav(in) tracking and sector boundries set>mkw>shn. d01: 1)Polkda Dot Rose 2)Little Faces 3)Oz is Ever Floating 4)Rubberneck Lions* 5)Shadow of a Man^ ->** 6)Grand Pecking Order d02: 1)Owner of the World*** 2)Radon Balloon 3)Army's on Ecstasy 4)Birthday Boys 5)Psuedo Suicide enc:6)Mr. Oysterhead^^. * - with very extended jam ** - Matterhorn/Whamola jam *** - with bass/guitar duel ^ - Les teased #9 (Beatles) and Henry the Eight Iam (?) ^^ - Les teased Dueling Banjos (from Deliverance) ********taped/transfered and seeded by mikey enjoy:)...
Media Size
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Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Nov 30 2001 16:47:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 30 2001 16:47:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
1b92a5254c1b2842086555efe4e8a6b8 *ohead01-11-11d01t01.shn 549640f5889639d46cc95eafec0e9a76 *ohead01-11-11d01t02.shn 960a78817b2523e39623a9979d4dc6e7 *ohead01-11-11d01t03.shn 2594e292f5cc19335c5793bc0fa50c5d *ohead01-11-11d01t04.shn 8c8f6568a6dc5688f02f7586aac67e18 *ohead01-11-11d01t05.shn 89c9a92884078cf54cc7e8b15e4f4439 *ohead01-11-11d01t06.shn
d2 (download)
f5c7a5a1ff87b25d2794b561e3c6cd46 *ohead01-11-11d02t01.shn 76200408b00a671d215ee15c69e8f3aa *ohead01-11-11d02t02.shn 7ce633d145ab01e2bb61b1c88f268fee *ohead01-11-11d02t03.shn 58f7a6fbbc2d550b1a9346774fbca3fa *ohead01-11-11d02t04.shn e87cd4d83d6f6b25318a58f9dec9f84d *ohead01-11-11d02t05.shn 27b1262e4142770c9f8517f2dc9435c9 *ohead01-11-11d02t06.shn
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