SHNID 5860 Oysterhead 2001-11-04
Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI
Summary (download all files)
FOB Neumann AK40 > LC3KA > KM100 > AD1000 > D8 (9th row DFC, mics in hat @ 90?); D8 > Delta DiO 2496 > Samplitude 2496 > CDWav > SHNv3; Taped, Transferred, and Seeded by Team FOB (John D'Auria and Mark Hutchinson)
Textdoc (download)
Oysterhead November 4, 2001 Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, Michigan Source: FOB 9th Row DFC > Mics in Hat @ 90? > Neumann AK40 > LC3KA > KM100 > AD1000 > D8 Transfer: D8 > Delta DiO 2496 > Samplitude 2496 > CDWAVE > SHNv3 Taped, Transferred, and Seeded by Team FOB, John D'Auria and Mark Hutchinson; Disc 1 Set I: 1. Crowd 2. Little Faces 3. Army's On Ecstasy 4. Owner Of The World 5. Pseudo Suicide 6. Radon Balloon Disc 2 Set I (continued) 1. Rubberneck Lions 2. Shadow Of A Man 3. Polka Dot Rose 4. Birthday Boys 5. Mr. Oysterhead 6. Applause Encore: Immigrant Song Only one set played Another Team FOB creation
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Tue Nov 06 2001 13:22:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Nov 06 2001 13:22:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
all (download)
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