Cy Stevens Auditorium (Iowa State U), Ames, IA

Summary (download all files)
Taper: Unknown
Source: Core Sound Binaurals->Sony TCD-D7
From: Unknown - Mics worn on tapers head

DAT>SHN:Louie Rendek
Equip: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking

SHN>SHN:Andrew Knowles
Equip: Matshita CR-5850 for extracting two batch shns
Soundforge 4.5 used to re-attach shns
CDWAV used for tracking

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
February 5, 1996
Stevens Auditorium (Iowa State University)
Ames, IA

Taper:	Unknown
Source:	Core Sound Binaurals->Sony TCD-D7
From:	Unknown - Mics worn on tapers head

DAT>SHN:Louie Rendek <>
Equip:	Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
	Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking

SHN>SHN:Andrew Knowles <>
Equip: 	Matshita CR-5850 for extracting two batch shns 
        Soundforge 4.5 used to re-attach shns
	CDWAV used for tracking 
Disc One:
	(So Much To Say)
01: 	(f/i)#41				-	06:14
02: 	Granny					-	03:28
03: 	Warehouse(passion)			-	10:56
04: 	One Sweet World(Swim Naked)		-	04:51
05: 	Dancing Nancies				-	06:41
06: 	Deed Is Done +				-	04:46
07: 	Crash Into Me				-	06:04
08: 	What Would You Say?->			-	04:47
09: 	Minarets^->				-	05:14
10: 	Typical Stiuation			-	07:16

Disc 2: 

01: 	Jimi Thing-> 				-	05:29
02:	What Will Become of Me			-	02:27
03: 	Say Goodbye				-	05:33
04: 	Two Step				-	07:02
05: 	Stream					-	06:18
06: 	Seek Up					-	08:04
07: 	Nature->Tripping Billies		-	05:41
08: 	Christmas Song*				-	06:40
09: 	Recently%				-	05:37
10: 	Jam					-	04:23
11: 	Old Tyme Cover->			-	00:36
12: 	Watermellon Song			-	00:56
13: 	Nature#					-	01:14
14: 	Lie In Our Graves			-	06:24

Disc 3:

01: 	I'll Back You Up			-	05:12
02: 	All Along The Watchtower		-	09:14
03: 	Little Thing				-	04:57
04: 	Ants Marching				-	05:05

	-Show Notes-

< > cut from CSB->D7 source
+ w/ great comment from the taper in the intro
+ At the begining of this song you hear a girl copme in and ask some
  guy if they have played Satellite yet. He says "yes", and she says
  "Damn." I only mention this because at other points in the show you
  can hear her yelling "Satellite." I just wonder if it's the same 
  girl from the next night at Luther College? 
* w/ "All You Need Is Love" and "Can't Buy Me Love" outros
% w/ Some Do/Don't and Norwegian Wood intros
# Samples cover. For some dude who was screaming for it. 

A five second fade out was added to the end of d3t04 and some crowd
noise was cut out where the taper was taking his gear down. 

*  compiled by Andrew Knowles <email> on September 30, 2001.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Dec 03 2002 17:47:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Dec 03 2002 17:47:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d+t1996-02-05d1.md5 (download)
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d+t1996-02-05d3.md5 (download)
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