Deer Creek Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Summary (download all files)
FOB (hand held) B&K 4011's -> D10 Pro, P. Delgado; Transfer: D8
-> Montego II -> CDWAV -> Shorten32, D. Nawrocki
-> Montego II -> CDWAV -> Shorten32, D. Nawrocki
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead Deer Creek Music Center Noblesville, IN 6.28.92 Source: FOB (hand held) B&K 4011's -> D10 Pro By Pete Delgado Transfer: D8 -> Montego II -> CDWAV -> Shorten32 By Doug Nawrocki This is a fantastic show, the energy this night was really high. I saw a few shows on this '92 summer run and this was my favorite. The sound from the up-front B&K's is pretty high-endy but Phil is still very noticeable. I did not normalize this so it's the levels right off the master DAT. If anyone has a copy of the extremely elusive 6.29.92 show, please let me know. If you have any comments, good or bad, email me at Peace! Set 1/CD 1: 63.01 Crowd 1.32 Help On the Way -> 3.44 Slipknot -> 5.24 Franklin's Tower -> 9.33 Wang Dang Doodle 8.39 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues 7.06 To Lay Me Down 9.14 El Paso 6.02 New Speedway Boogie -> 6.48 Smokestack Lightning 4.52 Set 2/CD 2: 49.57 Crowd 2.14 China Cat Sunflower -> 6.02 I Know You Rider -> 4.45 Estimated Prophet 11.08 Way to Go Home -> 5.58 Drumz -> 19.47 CD 3: 37.26 Space -> 8.50 The Last Time -> 6.15 China Doll -> 6.30 Around and Around 8.12 Crowd 1.50 Encore: Casey Jones 5.44
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jun 29 2000 10:05:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Sep 28 2009 16:13:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
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st5 (download)
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