House of Blues, New Orleans, LA

Summary (download all files)

9-26-99 (Yellow Self-Existing Warrior)
House Of Blues - New Orleans, LA

Textdoc (download)
Sound Tribe Sector Nine
House of Blues
New Orleans, LA
9/26/99 (Yellow Self-Existing Warrior)
SBD-> DA-P1-> Audio Desk 1.01-> CD (via Plextor 8220T)
All Digital
Burned @ 2X's

Disc 1:
Track 1: Intro Groove
Track 2: Kaya
Track 3: Surreality
Track 4: Moonsockets
Track 5: ?
Track 6: Tap In

Disc 2:
Track 1: Orbital > 
Track 2: ...And Some Are Angels > 
Track 3: Frequencies of Mind and Nature
Track 4: Monkey Music > 
Track 5: Evasive Maneuvers> 
Track 6: Monkey Music

Disc 3:
Track 1: 1 T.W.E.L.V.E. > 
Track 2: What is Love > 
Track 3:
Track 4: Bosso Profundo
Track 5: Mobsters > 
Track 6: Also Sprach Zarathustra

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Oct 08 2001 01:39:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Oct 08 2001 01:39:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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