Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY

Summary (download all files)
FOB Schoeps mk4 (ortf) > kc-5 actives > CMC6 > Lunatec 316(+48dB) > SBM-1(Oade Mod.) > DA-P1@44.1kHz; R500 > Audio Magic Presto II > Zefiro ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5 > CDWav > SHN; Recorded and transferred by Eric McRoberts; Dankseed certification

Textdoc (download)
===    FIXED INFO FILE     ===

Trey Anastasio 08-05-2001 Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY

Source:         Schoeps mk4(ortf)->kc-5 actives->cmc6->Lunatec 316(+48dB)->
                SBM-1(Oade Mod.)->DA-P1->BTP @44.1kHz by Eric McRoberts w/ 
                help From JR.  Master from DA-P1 used in below transfer

Transfer:       R500->Audio Magic Presto II->Zefiro ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn
                transfer by Eric McRoberts.  No normalizing, resampling or DAE.

Detailed info:  Recording on a stand from Orch Sec 3, Row R, Seat 127.  
                This was only a few seats left of DFC--about six rows in front of Paul.  
                SBM-1 line in @ 2.7.  Stand started about 4'8" at the beg. of both sets.
                Stand was at about 5'6" for the latter 2/3's of set 1 and all of set 2 
                after Plasma.

Minor edits:    Fades added at the start and end of each set.


*Dankseed Certification received 01-08-23*
and posted at
Listening test performed by *5* danksters

positive criteria met:
Tracking- OK
Seamless and complete- OK
Lineage listed- OK

negative criteria met:
Resampled- NO
Diginoise- NO

SHN > WAV > shntool (SBE fix*) > FLAC v1.2.1
FLAC tags added with metaflac v1.2.1

* There was a SBE error on d1t07 only.  Because this was the last song of the set, 
I fixed this SBE by padding that track with zero-bytes to fill up the last sector.
If you compare the "original.wav.md5" to the "fixed.wav.md5", 
you'll see that all other tracks are identical and have not changed.

by Jason Sobel, August 18, 2008

Disk 1                                  <77:37>
        Set I:                          
1.  Crowd Noise                          01:31
2.  Last Tube                            18:57
3.  Cayman Review                        11:00
4.  Burlap Sack and Pumps                17:28
5.  Flock of Words                       06:16
6.  Alive Again                          13:58
7.  Moesha                               08:24

Disk 2                                  <53:58>
        Set II:
1.  Crowd Noise                          01:05
2.  Money Love & Change >                15:30
3.  Plasma                               05:35
4.  Drifting                             13:01
5.  First Tube                           10:25
6.  Every Story Has A Stone              05:38
7.  At The Barbecue                      02:41

Disk 3                                  <39:02>
        Set II(Cont'd):
1.  Ooh Child                            11:49
2.  Push On Till The Day                 16:20
3.  Mozambique                           10:52

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     1:31.42          15.40 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.3908  trey01-08-05d1t01.flac
    18:57.39         191.36 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5103  trey01-08-05d1t02.flac
    11:00.64         111.17 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5169  trey01-08-05d1t03.flac
    17:28.29         176.37 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5527  trey01-08-05d1t04.flac
     6:16.16          63.29 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4210  trey01-08-05d1t05.flac
    13:58.64         141.12 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4788  trey01-08-05d1t06.flac
     8:24.12          84.81 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5585  trey01-08-05d1t07.flac
     1:05.55          11.06 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.3409  trey01-08-05d2t01.flac
    15:30.41         156.54 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5084  trey01-08-05d2t02.flac
     5:35.73          56.52 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4986  trey01-08-05d2t03.flac
    13:01.01         131.39 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5337  trey01-08-05d2t04.flac
    10:25.27         105.20 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5683  trey01-08-05d2t05.flac
     5:38.26          56.92 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4601  trey01-08-05d2t06.flac
     2:41.36          27.17 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4601  trey01-08-05d2t07.flac
    11:49.58         119.40 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4977  trey01-08-05d3t01.flac
    16:20.01         164.87 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5388  trey01-08-05d3t02.flac
    10:52.43         109.78 MB  ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5067  trey01-08-05d3t03.flac
   170:38.27        1722.38 MB                           0.5134  (17 files)


Trey Anastasio 08-05-2001 Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY

Source:		Schoeps mk4(ortf)->kc-5 actives->cmc6->Lunatec 316(+48dB)->
		SBM-1(Oade Mod.)->DA-P1->BTP @44.1kHz by Eric McRoberts w/ 
		help From JR.  Master from DA-P1 used in below transfer

Transfer:	R500->Audio Magic Presto II->Zefiro ZA2->Soundforge 4.5->CDWav->.shn
		transfer by Eric McRoberts.  No normalizing, resampling or DAE.

Detailed info:	Recording on a stand from Orch Sec 3, Row R, Seat 127.  
		This was only a few seats left of DFC--about six rows in front of Paul.  
		SBM-1 line in @ 2.7.  Stand started about 4'8" at the beg. of both sets.
		Stand was at about 5'6" for the latter 2/3's of set 1 and all of set 2 
		after Plasma.

Minor edits:  	Fades added at the start and end of each set.


*Dankseed Certification received 01-08-23*
and posted at
Listening test performed by *5* danksters

positive criteria met:
Tracking- OK
Seamless and complete- OK
Lineage listed- OK

negative criteria met:
Resampled- NO
Diginoise- NO

Disk 1					<77:37>
	Set I:				
1.  Crowd Noise				 01:31
2.  Last Tube				 18:57
3.  Cayman Review			 11:00
4.  Burlap Sack and Pumps		 17:28
5.  Flock of Words			 06:16
6.  Alive Again				 13:58
7.  Moesha				 08:24

Disk 2					<53:58>
	Set II:
1.  Crowd Noise				 01:05	
2.  Money Love & Change >		 15:30
3.  Plasma				 05:35
4.  Drifting				 13:01
5.  First Tube				 10:25
6.  Every Story Has A Stone		 05:38
7.  At The Barbecue			 02:41

Disk 3					<39:02>
	Set II(Cont'd):
1.  Ooh Child				 11:49
2.  Push On Till The Day		 16:20
3.  Mozambique				 10:52

    length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
     1:31.42          15.40 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4118  trey01-08-05d1t01.shn
    18:57.39         191.36 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5549  trey01-08-05d1t02.shn
    11:00.64         111.17 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5585  trey01-08-05d1t03.shn
    17:28.29         176.37 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5922  trey01-08-05d1t04.shn
     6:16.16          63.29 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4494  trey01-08-05d1t05.shn
    13:58.64         141.12 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5151  trey01-08-05d1t06.shn
     8:24.12          84.81 MB  -b-   --   ---xx    shn  0.6072  trey01-08-05d1t07.shn
     1:05.55          11.06 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.3567  trey01-08-05d2t01.shn
    15:30.41         156.54 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5527  trey01-08-05d2t02.shn
     5:35.73          56.52 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5404  trey01-08-05d2t03.shn
    13:01.01         131.39 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5833  trey01-08-05d2t04.shn
    10:25.27         105.20 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.6138  trey01-08-05d2t05.shn
     5:38.26          56.92 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4958  trey01-08-05d2t06.shn
     2:41.36          27.17 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.4955  trey01-08-05d2t07.shn
    11:49.58         119.40 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5393  trey01-08-05d3t01.shn
    16:20.01         164.87 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5857  trey01-08-05d3t02.shn
    10:52.43         109.78 MB  ---   --   ---xx    shn  0.5530  trey01-08-05d3t03.shn
   170:38.27        1722.38 MB                           0.5558  (17 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Sep 25 2001 17:24:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Aug 18 2008 18:54:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

fixed-flac-ffp (download)
fixed-wav-md5 (download)
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8b09dd033470f6596156de31406e30f7 *trey01-08-05d1t03.wav
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888df067ec362a2e423d2b3cb4f3232c *trey01-08-05d1t05.wav
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d0a8574ce346b00718f32a16fa40834a *trey01-08-05d2t05.wav
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original-shn-md5 (download)
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23b2c0cde2dbec4c9d6aa0c0c4c3dc15 *trey01-08-05d3t02.shn
2aec4a5756285a9f6d9dd8572b81bb9e *trey01-08-05d3t03.shn
original-wav-md5 (download)
684d9384dad489e1854e64c32e1d6796 *trey01-08-05d1t06.wav
dfa008ec1974ba04b508f83299c38187 *trey01-08-05d1t02.wav
8b09dd033470f6596156de31406e30f7 *trey01-08-05d1t03.wav
e5d7349e12a7293a83826adf74cb8048 *trey01-08-05d1t04.wav
888df067ec362a2e423d2b3cb4f3232c *trey01-08-05d1t05.wav
6a42346284b4796d42ef41b02cec6463 *trey01-08-05d1t01.wav
5ad2f7f427005cc112914ab64c93232d *trey01-08-05d1t07.wav
762a06c8eae2f7e06e161b926ec454c6 *trey01-08-05d2t02.wav
fa4ebe150223c468162dc2643fa2cb4f *trey01-08-05d2t01.wav
be8678c4a098d2ddb52e203643d41476 *trey01-08-05d2t03.wav
ff355f3d3bfe28b9009d8ce19844a0f7 *trey01-08-05d2t04.wav
d0a8574ce346b00718f32a16fa40834a *trey01-08-05d2t05.wav
6182eb7b36fe1850c2830209b7ba9284 *trey01-08-05d2t06.wav
908909534a9a31d3492d01a6ab3cea54 *trey01-08-05d2t07.wav
6ccaf4dbd953964e36ef159630b24618 *trey01-08-05d3t03.wav
e167e41b8c3c9e6cd26efba74f7c82bb *trey01-08-05d3t02.wav
31ff726078b08bc9c74f9e5b3451538c *trey01-08-05d3t01.wav

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