SHNID 4782 moe. 2001-06-28
Leinie Stage, Summerfest, Milwaukee, WI

Summary (download all files)
Schoeps CCM4V>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD-1000>D8 @ 48khz

Textdoc (download)
June 28, 2001
Lennie Lodge at the Koss Pavillion @ Summerfest - Milwaukee, WI

Source:         Schoeps CCM4V>Lunatec V2>Apogee AD-1000>D8 @ 48khz

Taper:		Taped by Kevin Hughes.

Location:	FOB/DFC 12th row @ 9'

Conversion: 	Sony PCM-R500 > Audio Magic Presto II
	    	Delta Di0 2496 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1) >
		cdwav > MKWact (SHNv3)

Disc 1
Set I
01: Captain America >
02: Mexico
03: Time Again
04: Spaz Medicine >
05: I wanna Be Sedated
Set II
06: Plane Crash
	Total: 62:09

Disc 2
01: Livin' Again**
02: St. Augustine
03: Bring You Down# >
04: Timmy Tucker
05: Godzilla
	Total: 62:15

* With "Californ IA" tease.
** With "Creep" (Radiohead) tease.
# With "Fire On The Mountain" (Grateful Dead) tease.

Compiled 07-01-2001 (

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   124:13.61     1314853156 B                            0.5655  (11 files)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
1.22 GB(1314853156 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Apr 23 2003 01:03:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Dec 29 2022 19:04:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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