SHNID 4340 Blind Melon 1993-08-02
First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN
Textdoc (download)
*** DO NOT SELL THIS RECORDING!! *** *** DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3!!! *** Blind Melon August 2nd, 1993 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Source: Nakamichi 700 > D3 > digital editing > digital EQing > CD Length: 63 minutes. Details: This came from a DAT clone. The mic channel problems were fixed and the mids and highs got a slight boost. The only flaws are an occasional channel static, and several spots where it goes stereo to mono (end of Time to end of Change). Setlist / Filename: 1. I Wonder / bmelon93-08-02t01 2. Tones of Home / bmelon93-08-02t02 3. Paper Scratcher / bmelon93-08-02t03 4. Deserted / bmelon93-08-02t04 5. Seed to a Tree / bmelon93-08-02t05 6. No Rain / bmelon93-08-02t06 7. Time / bmelon93-08-02t07 8. Change / bmelon93-08-02t08 9. Soak the Sin / bmelon93-08-02t09 10. Holyman / bmelon93-08-02t10 Credits: Taped by ? DAT transfer, dED, dEQ, and SHN encoding by Dave Posluszny 'donated' by Carl S. - Thanks Carl! Txt file/track re-naming by Jason Emery on 4/8/01.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
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Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Jun 27 2001 12:46:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jun 27 2001 12:46:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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