CBGB, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Master: Sony ecm959a>D7

by Jim Finn [jhfinn@aol.com]

Conversion: D8>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>SHN [no DAE]

by Dave Mallick [greenone@bluestraveler.net]

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler
February 21, 1994
CBGB's, New York, NY

Master creation:
Sony ecm959a>D7
by Jim Finn [jhfinn@aol.com]

SHNs were made:
D8>Egosys Waveterminal U2A>SoundEdit 16 version 2>WAV>SHN [no DAE]
by Dave Mallick [greenone@bluestraveler.net]

CD 1 [63:38]
Crash Burn                   [05:33]
Fallible*                    [06:48]
Freedom*                     [04:55]
Shotgun Shell                [06:45]
Best Be On My Way*           [05:10]
Jabberwock*                  [04:49]
Smile In My Pocket*          [06:22]
Stand*                       [06:45]
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly [03:17]
View*                        [06:51]
Price To Pay*                [06:20]

CD 2 [56:21]
Run-Around*                  [08:50]
Escaping**                   [10:20]
Trust In Trust               [04:42]
NY Prophesie                 [10:21]
E: Come Together**           [07:06]
Sweet Talking Hippie**       [15:02]

* - First time performed [first Run-Around w/full band]
** - w/ Warren Haynes

This was the unveiling show for most of "four", and the last time they played CBGB's until the "BRIDGE" release party on 5-8-01, with an added bonus of Warren Haynes sitting in for three songs.  "Smile In My Pocket" is the original title of "The Mountains Win Again".  There's a 15-second dropout at about 8:45 in Sweet Talking Hippie [from the master], but besides that, it's perfect.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Sep 20 2002 10:49:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jan 24 2007 12:48:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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4870bab7f46b42ad89ad303caadb640a *bt940221d1t09.shn
78860a385b6ede55147def90e505e6fe *bt940221d1t10.shn
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d2 (download)
b681f937336cfce21f1d27f08b40a4da *bt940221d2t01.shn
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