Alfie's Pub, Kingston, ON

Summary (download all files)
AKG C1000-->Sony RZ50 mini-disc
Remastering: CD-->EAC-->HD-->Soundforge 4.5-->CD Wave-->SHN (using mkwACT v0.97Beta)

Textdoc (download)
Burt Neilson Band

Alfie's Pub,
Kingston, Ont.

Source: AKG C1000-->Sony RZ50 mini-disc
Transfer: Sony RZ50-->HHB 830 stand-alone burner-->CD
Remastering: CD-->EAC-->HD-->Soundforge 4.5-->CD Wave-->SHN (using mkwACT v0.97Beta)

Soundforge was used to Normalize and to do the fade-in & out's
there was also a skip from the original master during d2t4 @12:03 that was removed
CD Wave was used to split the .wav file into tracks

show taped and transfered by: Eric Carr
remastered and SHN'd by: Karl Letonja (

Disc 1 - Set #1
1. tuning/intro  (1:40)
2. Stop 28  (13:40)
3. Speedbump  (5:08)
4. Five Alive  (2:13)
5. Funkin' Shoes  (18:01)
6. Watching TV That No One Else Can See, Barbara  (5:18)
7. Chank  (10:09)
8. The Bench  (4:30)
(total time:  60:40)

Disc 2 - Set #2
1. crowd/tuning  (0:18)
2. Fresco Lopez  (10:26)
3. Taken Back  (9:25)
4. L-->  (14:47)
5. Waves  (12:10)
6. Permit Collector  (13:12)
7. crowd/tuning  (0:56)
8. Frankenstein  (7:32)
(total time:  68:47)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed May 30 2001 18:47:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed May 30 2001 18:47:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
1a58b56ae4e99d463fcd650e82ea6914 *bnb01-03-09d1t03.shn
8b5f0e4065400982c780f222cee757d1 *bnb01-03-09d1t02.shn
052295d3a6284e9144b3d14e2a016de8 *bnb01-03-09d1t01.shn
efa439b1d5f018054becbc8adfeb8b9b *bnb01-03-09d1t04.shn
13e137bf6debf5443aec2de8ea567de2 *bnb01-03-09d1t05.shn
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d5b6434c6251afcdbc53904964a488b4 *bnb01-03-09d1t08.shn
d2 (download)
90c1a4cd27602a6bf16e856ac92b407f *bnb01-03-09d2t02.shn
0c18eab50a62ca3aa6ebb505c08e9ba4 *bnb01-03-09d2t01.shn
63e1a9f472e19945fd25f0523c44545b *bnb01-03-09d2t03.shn
a9e347d91f17f53ac7b8ac8a8de89213 *bnb01-03-09d2t04.shn
0b0a8c2a2af07dcc657f684b98abac50 *bnb01-03-09d2t05.shn
ec920a7f24c05da7e6fb9fd51e12bd7b *bnb01-03-09d2t06.shn
05a3228180463f2f31e858764997f186 *bnb01-03-09d2t07.shn
e9a9cc7fe240a2aedd37e0fb043710c2 *bnb01-03-09d2t08.shn

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