Sunrise Musical Theater, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Summary (download all files)
SOURCE:FOB(DFC)>Schoeps MK21/MK8>KC5(active cables)>CMC6>
Apogee AD1000>D8>AEA MK38MSI(midside mixer)>TascamDA20>
Via MKW.These SHN files are seekable in your SHnamp.
I have include both WAV and SHN md5s
*I have SHNed this CD show for the following reasons:
1)Look at the source,I can't get that on dat!
2)My CDs are burned straight from the post show
channel mix wav files.The only EAC gen. is mine.
You may notice a couple of slight issues,nothing major at all.
Linda Webster
http://db.etree org/linda95
Apogee AD1000>D8>AEA MK38MSI(midside mixer)>TascamDA20>
Via MKW.These SHN files are seekable in your SHnamp.
I have include both WAV and SHN md5s
*I have SHNed this CD show for the following reasons:
1)Look at the source,I can't get that on dat!
2)My CDs are burned straight from the post show
channel mix wav files.The only EAC gen. is mine.
You may notice a couple of slight issues,nothing major at all.
Linda Webster
http://db.etree org/linda95
Textdoc (download)
Phil and Friends - 4-13-2001 Sunrise Musical Theatre, Sunrise FL Phil Lesh John Molo Rob Barraco (k) Warren Haynes (g) Jimmy Herring (g) SOURCE:FOB(DFC)>Schoeps MK21/MK8>KC5(active cables)>CMC6> Apogee AD1000>D8>AEA MK38MSI(midside mixer)>TascamDA20> COAX>WAV>POST SHOW MIX>CDR CDR>SHN TRANSFER:EAC>WAV>CDWAV>SHN: Via MKW.These SHN files are seekable in your SHnamp. I have include both WAV and SHN md5s *I have SHNed this CD show for the following reasons: 1)Look at the source,I can't get that on dat! 2)My CDs are burned straight from the post show channel mix wav files.The only EAC gen. is mine. You may notice a couple of slight issues,nothing major at all. Linda Webster http://db.etree org/linda95 Disc 1 Set 1: 1.Celebration(13:48.04) 2.The Eleven(6:52.40) 3.Space Jam(16:48.46) 4.Soulshine(7:54.15) 5.Uncle John's Band(17:02.39) 6.Get Together(8:19.04) 7.Not Fade Away(8:45.01) TOTAL:79:29.74 *I recommend you use an 80 for this set. If you don't it will ruin it for you. This entire set is one big jam. If you can't use an 80...Put t07 on the beginning of Disc 2. Disc 2 Set 2: 1.Low Spark Jam(9:05.26) 2.China Cat(10:19.43) 3.UJB Reprise(11:37.55) 4.St. Stephen>Sugaree(17:38.74) 5.St. Stephen>(4:33.29) 6.I Am The Walrus (RB)(5:15.64) TOTAL:58:30.65 or 67:15.66 See notes for Disc 1 Disc 3 1.Taste Like Wine(12:06.10) 2.The Wheel>Other One(26:41.56) 3.E: Here COME Sunshine(13:44.63) TOTAL:52:32.54
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Mar 30 2005 13:55:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 25 2016 13:35:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
85dacca4cf9dc8a3fa974e18e9337914 *phil2001-04-13d1t01.shn 27466d91a335526e9f033deb05e8f243 *phil2001-04-13d1t02.shn 222e6b4c3718f8021a9d2a444d03e518 *phil2001-04-13d1t03.shn 737bcd5dbeff0265b0aa2f2cefbce780 *phil2001-04-13d1t04.shn 37b00c357304de403e2cc4a13840a461 *phil2001-04-13d1t05.shn c8a6d19ae713372a320a327fbecd860e *phil2001-04-13d1t06.shn 6ede2e99e59a290bee9ed2122be72695 *phil2001-04-13d1t07.shn a7df863043eda9480522dbb2d534c0c1 *phil2001-04-13d2t01.shn 9cceeceaea2154fd8158640bad7b3359 *phil2001-04-13d2t02.shn aaf27d601972ba9eef97a19ac6a727d5 *phil2001-04-13d2t03.shn 1eea93954b4494915900a9b2e1aec17b *phil2001-04-13d2t04.shn f881f3b0246d08f9c1bfa02c8d9b2c1c *phil2001-04-13d2t05.shn 8f70e29e72392582382cc879094b3599 *phil2001-04-13d2t06.shn be8e0040d689fadf9ede0af78ffdbf39 *phil2001-04-13d3t01.shn b249b71efa8dc745f8b5dfa00bce88e3 *phil2001-04-13d3t02.shn 7ecd675a0caa16247315740faaa99227 *phil2001-04-13d3t03.shn
flac-md5 (download)
459e9709801381491fbabb50805e2219 *phil2001-04-13d1t01.flac fb44b8be63f7700903d2edd73a993364 *phil2001-04-13d1t02.flac 54148e4c9eb5869904d083d4eacf531e *phil2001-04-13d1t03.flac dcbb8fde6363de0cc4b0e4fd6b307c75 *phil2001-04-13d1t04.flac 1ed2ba78849a66e8df042e64d590789d *phil2001-04-13d1t05.flac 667335675455f6efdc15380f9c916ac0 *phil2001-04-13d1t06.flac 3a743184de8e96484720b1c3e191fd02 *phil2001-04-13d1t07.flac d808c7399332ea08920b769c4d2f0fdc *phil2001-04-13d2t01.flac 45036c2e60552ffa15952abe220ac8a3 *phil2001-04-13d2t02.flac 90adfbd50c3d82091cb50fa5d225f686 *phil2001-04-13d2t03.flac f3fb068cf401ef32004c5abf783f32f0 *phil2001-04-13d2t04.flac 0493e3ff4516db74985d32aea7ceeb1a *phil2001-04-13d2t05.flac 3d5627f972fe0968be900ed77ff15070 *phil2001-04-13d2t06.flac 687d2c325eef6d89778851a6f73caa32 *phil2001-04-13d3t01.flac 49a71968fc7878b0ed180f02c05e8613 *phil2001-04-13d3t02.flac 61d7df7ba3bc9683602a9cddaef19897 *phil2001-04-13d3t03.flac
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