SHNID 37613 Noe Venable Trio 2003-05-04
Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA
Textdoc (download)
Noe Venable Trio Great American Music Hall: San Francisco, CA May 4, 2003 ******************** ******************** PRESERVE THE QUALITY DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3 OR LOSSY FORMATS ******************** ******************** Taper: Source: Schoeps MK4 > KCY > Sonosax SX-M2/LS2 > Sony PCM-M1 @ 44.1kHz Transfer: Archive Python > dat2wav > WAV @ 44.1kHz Editing/Tracking: Sound Forge 6.0d / CD Wave 1.75 (no resampling) Conversion: WAV > shntool 1.2.3 > WAV > shorten 3.5.1 > SHN (no DAE) Disc 1: 01. * [02:11.26] 02. [04:39.12] 03. [05:37.21] 04. [05:02.06] 05. [06:03.10] 06. [05:24.66] 07. ++ [05:05.64] 08. ++ [05:02.31] 09. ++ [04:56.61] 10. * [03:18.25] Total: [47:21.22] * - solo ++ - w/Scott Amendola Notes: Noe Venable Trio opened for Kelly Joe Phelps due to a loose cable there are several dropouts during the first 2 tracks Noe Venable info: Kelly Joe Phelps info: Support live music and live musicians Never pay for "bootlegs" or live recordings ############ NOT FOR SALE ############ SHN's made from original recording sources If you know songtitles or have any setlist corrections let me know Updated version of this setlist is available here: If you would like a copy of this show contact me for a B&P
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Wed Jul 05 2006 20:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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