Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
-This copy is same as above but with a SBD->Cass(0) patch in of the encore(the other seed is missing the encore-

Taper: Unknown
Source: DSBD except*

DAT>SHN:Bill Lakenan
and Louie Rendek
Equip: Archive Python DDS/vdat > .wav
(Direct DAT extraction, no soundcard)

*CAss>CD:SBD-> Sony D5 {master cassette using Sony Metal tapes}->
Denon DRM740(pro cass. deck)-> unknown soundcard-> CD

*CD>SHN:EAC v0.9pb7 @ 1x->CDWAV->Soundforge v4.0->mkwACT
Steve LeFevre

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
September 30, 1994
Roseland Ballroom
New York, NY

Taper:	Unknown
Source:	DSBD except*

DAT>SHN:Bill Lakenan <> 
	and Louie Rendek <>
Equip:	Archive Python DDS/vdat > .wav 
	(Direct DAT extraction, no soundcard)

*CAss>CD:SBD-> Sony D5 {master cassette using Sony Metal tapes}-> 
	Denon DRM740(pro cass. deck)-> unknown soundcard-> CD

*CD>SHN:EAC v0.9pb7 @ 1x->CDWAV->Soundforge v4.0->mkwACT
 	Steve LeFevre <>

Track 	|		Name			|	Time (m:s)
d1t01		Intro					00:27.50
d1t02		Best Of What's Around			06:18.19
d1t03		Satellite				05:51.51
d1t04		What Would You Say			05:19.21
d1t05		Dancing Nancies -->			08:32.34
d1t06		Warehouse				09:30.08
d1t07		Say Goodbye 				06:38.02
d1t08		Jimi Thing				12:12.57

d1 totals 						54:50.17

d2t01		Rhyme And Reason  			06:21.72
d2t02		Pay For What You Get			06:43.14
d2t03		Tripping Billies -->			04:10.49
d2t04		Minarets				08:48.50
d2t05		Typical Situation			11:12.34
d2t06		Recently # %				11:36.22

d2t07		One Sweet World #^			10:14.58
d2t08		Carter solo-->				03:14.79
d2t09		Halloween				05:28.48
d2 totals 						67:50.43

#	with Mark Quinones of the Allman Brothers Band sitting in on 
%	pretty girl and take me to the river.
^	instrumental intro, Swim Naked outro.

Encore is sourced from a cassette master SBD.
There is a 4 second dropout in d2t09 at the 1'29" mark, present on the
master cassette.

* compiled by Louie Rendek <>
and Steve LeFevre <>
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu May 03 2001 12:21:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu May 03 2001 12:21:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

dmb1994-09-30d1.md5 (download)
0f13656f7cc9788950af4dbcc5cbfcf6 *dmb1994-09-30d1t01.shn
9fac20898838012d10233ca331cebdf0 *dmb1994-09-30d1t02.shn
d5d56cf4d2400b939dd3a66297043a13 *dmb1994-09-30d1t03.shn
a25dad44048f8c79b48ad314e204a69a *dmb1994-09-30d1t04.shn
8c8e77d6286a65de69fa8056d18cce95 *dmb1994-09-30d1t05.shn
da26b65a325ed04f94e904ca3c190150 *dmb1994-09-30d1t06.shn
303297a69cf4c09892f2b1eef7becb0c *dmb1994-09-30d1t07.shn
1b76e30637c84fcd5259aa84c2b6c483 *dmb1994-09-30d1t08.shn
dmb1994-09-30d2.md5 (download)
5ee76d42f96da96a2b9382e1779a423b *dmb1994-09-30d2t01.shn
4b93bba833bfa8f7365433e93cd63b28 *dmb1994-09-30d2t02.shn
8508e283b6adf48fbe4adaf0c4438ec1 *dmb1994-09-30d2t03.shn
681ffbe0b25425ce8b9ca3b36cfe63e7 *dmb1994-09-30d2t04.shn
b25afadacb0a8a354e8b1a85c4c1be1a *dmb1994-09-30d2t05.shn
50c3d54174e4053f5f3339d987174bdf *dmb1994-09-30d2t06.shn

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