SHNID 3512 Cowboy Junkies 1992-05-15
Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA
Textdoc (download)
"COWBOY JUNKIES LIVE!" (1992; U.S., RCA, CD: 07863 62329-2; 19 min) [recorded live at the Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, CA 5/15/92; this was released both in a jewel box (commercially) and in a cardboard sleeve (promotional, bonus disc when buying "BEM" CD); front cover is a live shot of the band with orange back-lighting and "LIVE!" written in block letters in the lower-right corner; back cover is orange with 7 live shots of the band and side-men] 1. This Street, That Man, This Life 2. If You Were the Woman and I Was the Man (w/John Prine) 3. (Graham Parsons' & Christopher Ethridge's) Hot Burrito No. 1 4. Sweet Jane (Note: this is a great up-tempo version of the song) from
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Created At
Fri Apr 13 2001 22:13:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Apr 13 2001 22:13:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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