SHNID 35022 Garcia 1975-04-09
Bottom Line, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Legion Of Mary early show; SBD/AUD matrix of 2 previously circulating sources: SBD - (shnid=30942) and AUD - (shnid=14606); edited, mixed and converted by Chris Chappell (Sick Bits vol. 19)

Textdoc (download)
Legion Of Mary
The Bottom Line
New York, NY
4-9-75 (early)
Sick Bits Vol. 19

Martix: (SBD/AUD mix)

SBD: (shnid=30942) - recorded by Betty Cantor
2 track 7" reels @ 7.5ips recorded on Nagra SL11183 reel to reel deck > 
1st generation 2 track 7" reels @ 15ips recorded on Otari MX5050 rxr > 
??? > dat > flac file (as reported by d. oade) > flac frontend > 
cdwav (tracks) > flac frontend (via David Barfield to

AUD: (shnid=14606)
MAC (Taped by Jerry Moore, AKG 1000Es > Sony TC-152) >
Nak Dragon playback > ART DI/O > HD > Cool Edit 2000 >
master CD >  HP 9350i extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) >
sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) > .shn
encoding (mkwACT v0.97 beta 1). A > D by David Minches,
CD > SHN by Joe Jupille.

Both sources were downloaded FLACs/SHNs > WAV > 
Vegas 5 > WAV > CD Wave > FLAC 16 (level 8)

Edited, mixed and converted by Chris Chappell

Early Show:

d1t01 - tuning
d1t02 - Think
d1t03 - Freedom Jazz Dance
d1t04 - Feel Like Dynamite
d1t05 - That's What Love Will Make You Do
d1t06 - Mississippi Moon
d2t01 - Harder They Come
d2t02 - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down

Total Times:
Disc 1 [63:40]
Disc 2 [33:15]


Jerry Garcia - guitar, vocals
Merl Saunders - keyboards, vocals
John Kahn - bass
Martin Fierro - saxophone, flute
Ron Tutt - drums
General Notes:

I just couldn't resist trying the combo of a Betty board with a Jerry
Moore AUD, especially given the intimate atmosphere of the Bottom Line,
a small venue in the Village, and sure enough the positive/negative mesh
effect of the matrix worked wonders.  Garcia and Fierro's tone both
improve, while Suanders is more balanced in the mix.  Jerry's vocals are
now also more present, and the rhythm section doesn't predominate the
mix as on the SBD.

This is the entire early show, and it would seem that Moore did not record
the late show.  There are some tunes on the Betty reels from the late show,
but apparently reels 3 and 5 are missing (thus no SBD for Dixie Down). 
Jerry is on from the start with his comping during Martin's solo in Think
being very spirited and tasty. The Dynamite and TWLWMYD are both great. 
Mississippi Moon has a nice living room feel, and the Harder They Come runs 
almost 22 mins.  What I like about this matrix is that you hear the band 
for how they really sounded - I've had some great BBDs and SBDs of LOM 
shows throughout the years, but Fierro's tone was always shrill and Jerry 
was never that loud - not so here - the mix is nice and balanced with all 
members well represented.  What a band!! Having never seen them, it's 
like hearing them for the first time.

Thanks to Jerry Moore for recording this show and especially those 
involved with the Moore's Masters Productions like David Minches and Joe 
Jupille. Thanks to Betty Cantor for recording the SBD, and thanks to 
David Barfield for seeding it to last year.
Thanks to Bill Zormeir (aka Zman) for doing the cover art.


Editing Notes:

- Pitch/speed/channels
Both sources were pitched differently, the AUD being the closest to A=440.
The SBD had to be pitched or slowed down between -.19 (19 cents) and -.26 
(26 cents). This is about a quarter of a semitone (100 cents) difference. 
The SBD also had to have its channels swapped to mimic the stereo image 
of the AUD.

- Synch 
Because of the speed fluctuation within a given source, multiple edits
were performed to keep the sources synched (too many edits to list).
The AUD was the master and the SBD was synched to it.

- Sonic Quality/Matrix ratio
The only dynamic processing I employed was Waves L2 (limiter) to the 
master 2 buss to keep things contained. All I was trying to do here is to 
add some dimension to the SBD by using the ambience of the AUD. The result 
is hopefully close to how it sounded at the show. If I had to guess, the 
SBD/AUD ratio would be somewhere around 2:1 for most of the set except 
for the quieter numbers where the ratio is probably closer to 1:1.

- Edits
The following are places where the SBD and AUD had splices, holes or
incomplete coverage in reference to the final matrix timeline. 

d1t01 (0:00 - 1:43) - missing (crowd)
d1t02 (6:13 + 6:14) - static removed
d1t04 (6:29 - 6:33) - missing
d1t04 (11:20 - 12:11) - missing (crowd)
d2t01 (21:33 - 23:55) - missing (crowd)
d2t02 (0:00 - 9:20) - missing all

d1t03 (0:25) - static removed
d1t03 (2:03) - static removed (other static points left alone)
d1t06 (12:19 - 12:55) - missing (crowd)

Note that a lot of the audio missing from the SBD is crowd noise from
in between songs.  Where there is music missing from either source, the
other source covers those holes, thus full coverage has been achieved.
The only major missing piece in the 
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Jun 12 2006 00:02:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jun 12 2006 09:48:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac-md5 (download)
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9c5ae7fa4e0e68962c78c8d1338906b3 *lom75-04-09earlyd2t02.flac
ffp (download)

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