SHNID 3408 The Slip 2000-11-04
Valentines, Albany, NY

Summary (download all files)
Schoeps 64s > ADK (mics were split just offstage)

Textdoc (download)
   The Slip * 11.04.00
Valentine's * Albany, NY

Source: Schoeps 64s > ADK (mics were split just offstage)
Conversion: Delta Dio 2496 coax from my Sony R500 > Shn v2

Taping and transfer by Jim Crichton

--  Disc I --
--- Set I ---
1. Ernie Mickey (Volunteer of the Week)
2. Skatellites cover
3. You Might Say
4. Trane-ing
5. The Weight of Solomon (Sesame Street tease)

--    Disc II    --
--- Set I cont. ---
1. Johnny's Tune (interesting intro, with some help from the audience)
2. Wompset > Tomorrow tease > Jam >
3. Take a Beetle to the Badlands *

--- Encore ---
4. Moral Decay**

* w/ Shaggy Dog lyrics
** Brad on drums for several minutes
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Apr 06 2001 22:05:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Apr 06 2001 22:05:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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0fb977b3d90bbccf76ab1a1a524e3c5f *slip00-11-04d1t3.shn
a6775d908f3ff624dfc8539cecc60b75 *slip00-11-04d1t4.shn
0917519d2fb82c7e5aa922c38e61b1e2 *slip00-11-04d1t5.shn
d2 (download)
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d911ce56b1f4383afd642f27783a4796 *slip00-11-04d2t3.shn
60e2a526add00dd5ba08656e19b46fba *slip00-11-04d2t4.shn

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