Buckeye Lake Music Center, Hebron, OH
Textdoc (download)
Ekoostik Hookah 2002-05-24 Buckeye Lake Hebron, Ohio Source: Nak 300'2 w/CP-1's > Sony D7 Transfer: D7 > PDR509 > MKW Taped By: Tapecat Transfer: Tapecat Set 1: Raging River, Godspeed, My Own Way, Little Maggie*, Highway 61 Revisited*^, Chicago-> Hookahville-> Chicago, One Last Look Around*, Alexander-> Alexander II Set 2: Backwoods Rose, Spiders, Back Seat^, Thief, Silver Train, Deal With It E: Slipjig Through the Poppy Fields Notes: *w/ Bela Fleck on banjo, Jeff Coffin on saxophone (from the Flecktones), & John Skehan on mandolin, Tim Carbone on violin and Andy Goessling on flute (from Railroad Earth) ^denotes 1st time played
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Created At
Sun Mar 26 2006 08:47:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Apr 07 2006 14:31:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
md5 (download)
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