SHNID 3198 Trey Anastasio 1999-05-04
Murat Theater, Indianapolis, IN
Textdoc (download)
SOURCE INFO: Trey (acoustic/electric) May 4th 1999 Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, Indiana Source Info: B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 Disc One (Trey Solo Acoustic): 1. Dirt - 04:27 2. Dogs Stole Things - 03:53 3. Mountains in the Mist* - 05:14 4. Snowflakes in the Sand - 05:13 5. Minestrone** - 03:49 6. Talk - 03:35 7. (real talking) - 01:39 8. Bathtub Gin*** - 07:36 9. Kissed by Mist (new original)**** - 08:30 10. Get Back on the Train (new original) ^ - 04:16 11. Wading in the Velvet Sea - 04:09 12. Chalk Dust Torture - 06:06 Disc Two (Electric): 1. Will It Go Round In Circles - 08:15 2. First Tube - 07:24 3. Ooh Child - 09:01 4. Bell-Bottom Blues - 06:16 5. Heavy Thing (new original)^^ - 07:36 6. Windora Bug (new original) - 09:02 7. Somanatin - 05:04 8. Andre the Giant (new original)^^^^ - 06:50 9. I Can See Clearly Now - 08:58 Disc Three (electric cont.): 1. Pistol -> 12:57 2. Drums Duel# - 10:11 3. Voodoo Child (slight return) - 16:11 Encore: 4. Row Jimmy - 07:37 5. Last Tube -> - 02:13 6. fluted keyboard thing - 00:52 7. Last Tube - 01:49 8. Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown - 04:09 * - formerly known as "Bake and Boil" ** - formerly known as "Minestrone" *** - dedicated to aLi and Jesse, for naming the song "Ministrone" **** - new song for Julia Butterfly Hill, a woman sitting in a tree named Luna in northern California for a year and a half to protest logging of the nation's forests ^ - provisional title (consensus best guess of those there) ^^ - possibly called "Heavy Boots" (title apparently unclear) ^^^^ - possibly "Living in Havana" (Trey apparently undecided on title) # - Trey on smaller drum kit to the left of the bass; duel was similar to Monday night's
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Created At
Fri Apr 12 2002 15:57:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jan 30 2007 15:22:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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