SHNID 3182 The Slip 1999-05-02
The Lounge of Harkness Co-op; Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

Summary (download all files)
AT802S > DA-P1 > CDR

Textdoc (download)
                        The Slip * 05-02-99
Harkness Lounge, Oberlin College * Oberlin, OH

Source: AT802S > DA-P1 > CDR
Encoding: CDR > EAC > mkwact by Colin < > < >

Disc 1 - Set II:
1. Co-op City
2. Rythymaning
3. Gecko > Zion > Yellow Medicine
4. Cool #9 *

Disc 2 - Set II continued:
1. Happy Birthday > **
2. Moral Decay *
3. Flight of the Peruvian Dragonfly
4. Dogs on Bikes
5. Lazilee
6. ?
7. When Cloudy Hushes Moon 

*  with Matt Schilgen on Melodica and Kristen Waite on Trumpet
** this is for the occasion of Harkness' anniversary
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Feb 28 2001 06:53:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Feb 28 2001 06:53:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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d2 (download)
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533e58ee0564fc81aab78d6f86038a5a *slip99-05-02d2t7.shn

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