William And Mary College, Lake Matoaka, VA

Summary (download all files)
Taper: Unknown
Source: SBD

DAT>SHN: Chris Tabone (ctabone@fordham.edu) CD-R extraction > Soundforge 5.0d > retracking and editing > mkw Audio Compression > shn

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
Lake Matoka
William & Mary University
Williamsburg, VA
April 10, 1994

Taper:	  Unknown
Source:	  SBD

DAT>SHN:  Chris Tabone (ctabone@fordham.edu)
	  CD-R extraction > Soundforge 5.0d > retracking and editing >
	  mkw Audio Compression > shn

Disc One
01:  Intro				01:00
02:  One Sweet World			08:35
03:  Two Step ->			06:24
04:  Ants Marching			08:43
05:  Best of What's Around		05:41
06:  What Would You Say			06:27
07:  Warehouse ^			07:20
08:  Dave speak #			01:10
09:  Recently * 			13:42
Total				 	58:05

^ Drop out at 5:12-5:14.  The tape ends abruptly several seconds 
  after the song ends and resumes when Dave is explaining that they 
  have to stop playing.
# The police told DMB that they had to stop playing but were allowed 
  one more song.  For the closing number they invited several other 
  musicians onto the stage to jam with them.
* With Doug Wannamaker and various other guests.  The recording skips 
  three times in the beginning of the song.

This recording was originally in very bad condition with an incredible 
amount of faults. I did the best I could to fix the majority of it but 
unfortunately it will never be completely clear - you can't transform 
glass into diamond.  But enjoy it anyway, for it is certainly better \
than it was.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jul 28 2005 21:14:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jul 28 2005 21:14:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
540a59b7bca9d2b7e8504ac96a3a7a66 *dmb1994-04-10d1t01.shn
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fdff04ee4fcf6c56c19d120d4a12dcc5 *dmb1994-04-10d1t03.shn
fe6be19b7a45d034a6309ff80106a191 *dmb1994-04-10d1t04.shn
94ff1c97eb8de2537fbc0d7377e509b5 *dmb1994-04-10d1t05.shn
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fbeb93caaa81ba623cc8d4679a9bdd08 *dmb1994-04-10d1t09.shn

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