SHNID 30095 Phish 1986-10-12
Haybarn Theater - Goddard College, Plainfield, VT

Summary (download all files)
AUD > Cass/2 > Sony TC-KA3ES > ST Audio DSP24 (24/48) > Mastering > FLAC

Textdoc (download)
Sunday, October 12, 1986
Haybarn Theater @ Goddard College 
Plainfield, VT

Source: AUD > Cass/2 (see notes)
Transfer: Sony TC-KA3ES > ST Audio DSP24 (24/48) > Mastering > FLAC16
*24/48 masters are archived*

01. Golgi Apparatus* >
02. Slave to the Traffic Light
03. Wilson*
04. Halley's Comet^
05. Possum
06. Sneakin Sally
07. Makisupa Policeman

* earliest known versions
^ w/Nancy on vocals

While not an exceptional recording by any means, this is surely some great early Phish captured on tape. Despite the distant sound, the overall sound of the tape was quite good considering the age. While the source info is not "nailed", below is the email that led me to the tape:

An etree friend has come across a cassette that he believes to be from this show.
If in fact this show is from this date, it would definitely be the first Wilson and Golgi known (supplanting the current first known for those 2 which is 10/15/1986).  My friend has actually not listened to this show, but he lives in San Diego and got it from a guy he works with who was at Goddard College in 1986 (kind of an odd coincidence I would say) since his coworker approached him knowing my friend was into Phish. 
Rather than paraphrase everything told to me, here is exactly what my friend told me about this tape/show:
Tom [his coworker] told me he wasn't sure of the exact date, but that he did go to the show.  He said that it was in a barn.  Actually, he said when he went there opened up the wrong door and was on or near the stage and was looking at the whole crowd staring back at him before he went around to the entrance.  Anyway, he tells me that it was in October 1986 at Goddard College so I can only assume it is the October 12,1986 Haybarn Theater, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT show.  Tom got it from 
Del Martin and the only information that I have is that Del gave him a copy of the tape (which was taped off of Del's recording).  I have a copy of Tom's tape.  Tom said he is pretty sure that Del had a 4-track and was recording with 2 mics.  Other than that I don't know any other info except a setlist or partial setlist he gave me which is: Golgi-(first time?)> Slave to the Traffic Light, Wilson (first time?), Haley's Comet w/ Nancy, Possum, Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley, Makisupa Policeman.  Since I don't have a good tape player and I don't want to jack it up by listening to it.  Can you or do you know anybody that can put it in flac or shn format for digital transfer?  I really don't want to get hopes up too high because I haven't listened to it, but I think that it should be okay.  I didn't ask what type of precautions he took with this tape over the last 20 years.

Transfer, mastering, FLAC16 by Marmar 07/09/2005
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Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Jul 19 2005 10:52:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 19 2005 10:52:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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