Trax, Charlottesville, VA

Summary (download all files)
Source: DSBD > DAT

Conversion: Tascam da20 > RME Digi96/PAD
Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
Louie Rendek []

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
November 2, 1993
Charlottesville, VA

Source:		DSBD > DAT

Conversion:	Tascam da20 > RME Digi96/PAD
		Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
		Louie Rendek <>

Disc One <set I>:

01:		Intro				-	00:27.44
02:		Rhyme And Reason #		-	03:42.46
03:		Say Goodbye #			-	06:26.59
04:		I'll Back You Up #		-	05:25.36
05:		Jimi Thing ->			-	12:19.12
06:		TYpical Situation		-	10:28.47
07:		True Reflections		-	07:22.07
08:		Lie In Our Graves		-	11:38.56
09:		Warehouse &			-	10:21.46
10:		Granny &			-	06:35.21

Total:						-	74:46.70

Disc Two <set I and set II>:  

01:		Rhyme And Reason &		-	10:20.55
02:		set II intro			-	00:45.17
03:		Best Of What's Around		-	06:24.64
04:		Song That Jane Likes		-	03:32.35
05:		Lover Lay Down			-	06:47.59
06:		What Would You Say		-	06:34.41

Total:						-	34:24.70

Disc Three <set II continued>:

01:		Two Step			-	08:08.30
02:		Seek Up				-	15:55.32
03:		Say Goodbye #			-	07:59.51
04:		Doobie Thing ->			-	06:30.72
05:		Happy Birthday Carter Jam ->	-	01:25.14
06:		Ants Marching $			-	08:42.58

Total:						-	48:41.60

#	Dave solo
&	Richard Harding on flute or saxophone
$	This has a really long extended intro

*	Guess what?  It's Carter's birthday....and they tell you that
	at least 100 times throughout the show with some very funny
	commentary to top it off.
*	This show exhibits the same weird cut in Dave solo R&R that
	I've seen in numerous sources.  There is no visible dropout
	in the waveform, the sound just jumps abruptly toward the end.
*	I smoothed out two feedback clicks in Typical.  They were from
	the house system and nobody wants to destroy their stereo.
*	After True, Boyd thanks Richard Harding on sax.  Maybe him and
	Roi were both playing sax at some point, but Dave "gives it up"
	to Roi on sax after LIOG, not Richard Harding.  Richard
	Harding then pops up on flute in Warehouse.  On R&R, it sounds
	as if we're getting double teamed by two saxophone, probably
	Richard Harding at this point along with Roi.
*	There was a dropout around 6:56 in LIOG and I spliced the audio.
	It is seamless, good luck finding the spot.
*	There were a couple dropouts in the right channel around 6:47 in
	Warehouse.  I repaired them with audio from the left channel
	totalling 0.880 seconds by simple cut and paste.
*	There are a couple of wierd digi-noises in the show.  They are
	on multiple copies of this show in my possession.  They sound
	like something that would come through the board.  An example
	is around 0:18 in R&R.  I didn't perform any edits with these.
*	Yes, Say Goodbye was played twice solo by Dave.  He apologizes
	to the people that were there at the beginning of the night too
	and says he needs to practice this song.
*	Supposedly this was the last time that Doobie Thing was played.

*  compiled by Louie Rendek <> on May 14, 2005.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Jul 05 2005 22:09:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 05 2005 22:09:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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