Flood Zone, Richmond, VA

Summary (download all files)
Source: SBD > Casio DA7 DAT > Sony 575 UC HiFi
Mark Lynn

Analog > DAT: Mitsubishi U53.AES/EBU out > Lucid AD9624 [48KHZ] > Fostex D5
Mark Lynn

Conversion: Tascam da20 > RME Digi96/PAD
Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
Louie Rendek [ljr7@yahoo.com]

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band
September 1, 1993
Flood Zone
Richmond, VA

Source:		SBD > Casio DA7 DAT > Sony 575 UC HiFi
		Mark Lynn

Analog > DAT:	Mitsubishi U53.AES/EBU out > Lucid AD9624 [48KHZ] > Fostex D5
		Mark Lynn

Conversion:	Tascam da20 > RME Digi96/PAD
		Sound Forge 4.5a (record/resample) > CDWav > MKWact
		Louie Rendek [ljr7@yahoo.com]

Disc One [set I]:

01:		set I intro			-	00:18.04
02:		Redemption Song #		-	03:16.45
03:		Rhyme And Reason #		-	04:41.58
04:		Say Goodbye #			-	06:32.60
05:		Angel From Montgomery $		-	08:26.36
06:		Tripping Billies @		-	11:33.04
07:		Satellite			-	07:04.58
08:		Song That Jane Likes		-	04:32.27
09:		Lie In Our Graves		-	08:19.11
10:		One Sweet World intro ->	-	03:00.19
11:		One Sweet World !		-	06:48.05
12:		Dancing Nancies			-	07:59.23

Total:						-	72:31.50

Disc Two [set II]:  

01:		set II intro			-	03:39.34
02:		Doobie Thing ->			-	06:24.27
03:		Ants Marching			-	06:40.66
04:		Recently			-	10:50.39

Total:						-	27:34.66

Disc Three [set II continued]:

01:		True Reflections		-	09:04.64
02:		Minarets ->			-	06:50.27
03:		Typical Situation		-	12:30.16
04:		Best Of What's Around		-	05:52.58
05:		Granny				-	06:54.15
06:		E:  Two Step			-	07:36.06
07:		E:  Warehouse			-	08:48.53

Total:						-	57:36.39

#	Dave solo
$	Dave and Boyd only
@	'Nature' intro
!	'Swim Naked' outro

*	Mark mastered this show on DAT.  DAT tapes used to be very
	expensive back in 1993.  Because the show came out somewhat
	hosed, he elected to dump it down to a cheaper media that
	many people taped on back then, HiFi VHS.  At a later point
	he went back and put it back on DAT and that is what I am
	converting and spreading here.  All problems were on the
	master DAT the night of the recording, not age-induced.
*	The problem with this recording involves severe channel
	dropouts.  The whole recording is riddled with them in spots.
	Those spots are sometimes throughout a whole song, sometimes
	not at all in some songs.  Here are the songs that had dropouts:
	Redemption Song, Rhyme And Reason, Say Goodbye, Angel From Montgomery
	Tripping Billies, Song That Jane Likes, Lie In Our Graves
	One Sweet World intro, One Sweet World, Doobie Thing, Recently
	True Reflections, Minarets, Typical Situation, Best Of What's Around
	Granny, and Warehouse.  I put a lot of time into fixing this
	recording up so that you can't tell where the dropouts were.
	I accomplished this by cutting and pasting a ton of audio from
	the good channel to the bad channel, sometimes as long as a minute
	or two.  What results is a show that has some spots that are mono,
	not stereo, but the show is VERY good now.
*	After R&R Dave tells a pretty funny nude beach story.
*	There were several spots of diginoise at 2:01, 2:33 and 3:28
	in Angel From Montgomery.  I fixed these spots on the sample
	scale with smoothing.
*	Boyd's violin levels in Billies and BOWA are almost non-existant
	and this has nothing to do with left/right channel pasting.
*	After Typical Boyd mentions that the DMB will open for The Neville
	Brothers on September 12, 1993.  He says "it's a week from this
	coming Sunday".  That would make "this coming Sunday" September 5th
	1993, which helps clarify the date of this unknown Flood Zone
	show as September 1, 1993 (along with the fact that this is what
	Mark Lynn wrote on the source master when he taped it).

*  compiled by Louie Rendek [ljr7@yahoo.com] on June 29, 2005.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jun 30 2005 23:43:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jun 30 2005 23:43:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

all (download)
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