Uptown Theater, Chicago, IL

Summary (download all files)
flac16; SBD/AUD Matrix of 2 previously circulated seeds; prepared by Chris Chappell

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Uptown Theater
Chicago, IL
Sick Bits Vol. 2b

Source: Matrix:

SBD > Cassette master > DAT(0) (Cassette>DAT transfer by Dick) >
DAT(1) > ZA2> Soundforge (15db sampled tape hiss noise reduction filter)> 
CD Architect > Master CDR (by Jim Wise) > CDR Master > EAC in secure mode > 
Soundforge (minor editing and crossfading) > CDWAV > SHNv3 
w/seek tables appended (by Jamie Lutch)

AUD Master: Barry Glassberg: Nak700>Sony TCD5M, Maxell UDXLII, Dolby B.

Lineage: AUDMC> Tascam 112MKII > Sony R500 SBM (pass through) > 
Delta Dio 2496 > HD > sound forge & CD wave by John Steinthal 

Encoding: EAC(secure) > CDWAV > mkwact > SHN(seekable) by Matt Vernon

[complete text files for each source appended at end]

All sources were snh files downloaded from LMA and converted to
WAV > Vegas 5 > WAV > CD Wave > FLAC 16 (level 8)

Matrixed by Chris Chappell

Set 1:
d1t01 - Crowd/tuning
d1t02 - Alabama Getaway >
d1t03 - The Promised Land
d1t04 - Friend Of The Devil
d1t05 - Cassidy
d1t06 - Loser
d1t07 - C C Rider
d1t08 - It Must Have Been The Roses
d1t09 - New Minglewood Blues

Set 2:
d2t01 - Crowd/tuning
d2t02 - Scarlet Begonias >
d2t03 - Fire On The Mountain >
d2t04 - Estimated Prophet >
d2t05 - Eyes Of The World >
d3t01 - Drums >
d3t02 - Space >
d3t03 - Not Fade Away >
d3t04 - Wharf Rat >
d3t05 - Sugar Magnolia

d3t06 - Don't Ease Me In

Total Times:
Disc 1 [58:01]
Disc 2 [48:14]
Disc 3 [54:02]

General Notes:

Given the multiple sources available on the Llama, I decided to put the 
effort into editing a matrix of all three nights from this wonderful run 
at the Uptown. The Glassberg AUDs are very nice and full, standing on 
their own as excellent representative recordings.  The SBD sources of all
three nights have the reputation of being some of the crispiest boards
out there, and after a simple test on the Ship O' from the 3rd night I was
motivated to dive into editing land. The result is a worthwile listen, 
especially when you turn it up.

Timeline/Tracking Notes:

The only music that is missing is the encore from the SBD source.  
The transition between the disc 2 and 3 can be put together seemlessly.

Editing Notes:

- Pitch
Both sources were pitched differently, the AUD being the sharpest, 
and the SBD being the flatest.  I used the SBD as my master timeline 
and pitch referenced the AUD to it. The AUD on average had to be pitched
down about -.14 (14 cents) in the first set, and about -.03 (3 cents) in
the second set, to achieve pitch correction - 1.00 being 100 cents which 
is a semitone.  I did not reference A=440 as I did not desire to pitch 
adjust the SBD.  It is very close though to A=440.

- Synch
Because of the speed fluctuation within a given source, multiple edits
were performed to keep the sources synched.  Because the SBD was my
master pitch and time ref, the AUD was synched to the SBD (too many
edits to list).

- Sonic Quality/Matrix ratio
I did choose to employ a slight amount of limiting to the SBD (Waves L2)
to give it a slight amount of punch and presence. Conceptually,  all
I was trying to do here is to add some dimension to the SBD, which is 
pretty dry but very crisp, by using the ambience of the AUD. The result 
is a lively but clear recording, hopefully close to how it sounded at 
the show. If I had to guess the SBD/AUD ratio would be somewhere between 
3:1 and 4:1, leaning more towards the 4:1 end of things.

- Edits
The following are places where the SBD and AUD had holes or
incomplete coverage in reference to the final matrix timeline. 

d1t01 (0:00:00 - 1:51:64) - missing (crowd)
d1t03>4 (4:30:20 - 0:07:49) - missing (mostly crowd)
d1t04 (8:51:64 - 10:00:16) - missing (crowd)
d1t05 (5:41:14 - 6:36:04) - missing (crowd)
d1t06 (8:31:42 - 08:39:06) - missing (crowd)
d1t07 (7:26:32 - 8:28:57) - missing (crowd)
d2t01 (0:00:00 - 2:22:15) - missing (crowd/tuning)
d2t05 (9:50:60 - 9:59:15) - missing (crowd)
d2t06 (2:08:07 - 2:17:60) - missing (tape flip)
d3t04>5 (10:57:09 - 0:07:12) - missing (tape flip)
d3t05 (8:18:61 - 9:44:72) - missing (crowd)
d3t06 (0:00:00 - 3:27:72) - missing all

d1t07 (0:00:00 - 0:18:35) missing
d2t05 (6:53:16 - 7:00:41) missing (tape flip)

Note that alot of the missing elements from the SBD source are just 
crowd segments in between songs in the first set. The whole encore is 
missing from the SBD, but other than that, all of the music is intact.

Thanks to Dick Latvala for transfering the SBD casette master to DAT,
Jim Wise for the noise reduction and conversion to CDR, and Jamie Lutch
for minor editing and shn conversion. Thanks to Barry Glassberg for 
recording the AUD source, and John Steinthal for converting it to CDR, 
Mark Cohen for supplying the discs, and Matt Vernon for the shn conversion.
Thanks to Jonathan Aizen for uploading both source
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Feb 28 2005 09:52:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat May 30 2009 10:14:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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ffp (download)

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