Rialto Theater, Tucson, AZ

Summary (download all files)
Source: Dsbd
Lineage: DA-20 mkii> Delta Dio 2496 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1 resampling on highest accuracy setting)> CDWAV > SHN
Taped by: Mike Roesler
Transfered by: Brandon Johnston

Textdoc (download)
Leftover Salmon
Rialto Theater
Tucson, AZ

Source: Dsbd
Transfer: DA-20 mkii> Delta Dio 2496 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1 resampling on highest accuracy setting)> CDWAV > SHN
Transfer by: Brandon Johnston

Disc 1:
Set I:
1.Little Maggie
2.Shame & Scandal
3.Clinch Mountain Backstep
4.Bend in the River
5.She Caught the Katy
7.Get Me Outta This City
9.Almost Cut my Hair

Set II:
11.Nothin' But Time
12.??? (banjo tune)
13..44 Blues

Disc 2:
Set II Con't:
1.Las Vegas
2.Another Way to turn
3.Georgia Lou
4.Molly + Tenbrooks
5.Junco Partner
6.Ain't gonna work tomarrow
7.High on a Mountain Top
8.Whiskey Before Breakfast
9.Let It Bleed
10.crowd noise
11. E: Do you wanna dance ->
       Full Stop ->
       Do you wanna dance ->
       Full Stop

Notes: I removed some pops in the master dat @ approx 14:36, 14:40, and about 5 of them at 37:59 of set I. I used 
the pencil tool in Soundforge to do this. There are also major glitches on d1t12 during the first 10 seconds or so.
This was also on the master dat. Fades were added w/ Soundforge at the beginning and ending of each set.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Feb 06 2005 00:09:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Feb 06 2005 00:09:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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