Paradise Casino, Yuma, AZ

Summary (download all files)
Master: Oktava MC012's>Midas XL-4>Panasonic SV-3800

by Danny & Bo - Thanks to the BT family for the seed!

Conversion: DA-20>U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3>AIFF>xACT 1.4d15

by Dave Mallick []

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler
May 26th, 2001
Paradise Casino, Yuma, AZ

Oktava MC012's>Midas XL-4>Panasonic SV-3800 @ 32khz
by Danny & Bo - Thanks to the BT family for the seed!

Tascam DA-20>Egosys U2A>Sound Studio 2.1.1b3 (32>44.1)>AIFF>xACT 1.4d15
by Dave Mallick []

Disc 1 [55:35.08]
01. NY Prophesie        [06:32.39]
02. Back In The Day     [04:37.39]
03. Girl Inside My Head [04:26.06]
04. But Anyway>         [04:04.70]
05. You Lost Me There>  [04:56.24]
06. Mulling It Over>    [08:21.58]
07. But Anyway          [01:58.21]
08. Just For Me         [03:25.64]
09. The Path            [07:58.50]
10. No Woman, No Cry    [09:13.12]

Disc 2 [61:31.62]
01. Freedom             [04:22.46]
02. You Reach Me        [07:40.11]
03. Slow Change         [07:10.12]
04. All Hands>          [07:30.15]
05. Regarding Steven    [04:23.29]
06. Battle Of Someone   [06:52.71]
07. Carolina Blues      [05:44.70]
08. Business As Usual   [07:11.23]
09. Run-Around          [06:58.36]
10. E: Crash Burn       [03:37.49]

- Show may have been played at an outdoor venue - some rumble
  that sounds like wind noise is audible now and again.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Jan 14 2005 08:53:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 25 2007 12:19:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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