SHNID 25302 Phish 1988-02-07
Nectar's, Burlington, VT

Summary (download all files)
Note: This is a pitch corrected re-seed of this source. AUD > Sony Walkman (Cass/0) > WAV > SHN Taped and transferred by Rob Grego; Fixes and notes by Ben Mohr; Pitch correction, retracking, and FLAC conversion by Mike Wren

Textdoc (download)
Nectar's Lounge - Burlington, VT

Source: AUD > Sony Walkman (Cass/0) > WAV > SHN by Rob Grego

Fixes and notes by Ben Mohr (

Pitch correction and Retracked on 7/18/2004 by Mike Wren (

Converted to FLAC on 7/18/2004 by

 Disc 1
-Set 1-
01. Intro
02. Fire
03. McGrupp
04. Shaggy Dog
05. Golgi Apparatus >
06. Alumni Blues
07. Peaches En Regalia
08. Phase Dance
[Dear Mrs. Reagan]
[I Didn't Know]
[David Bowie]

 Disc 2
-Set 2-
[Happy Birthday Jam]
01. AC/DC Bag ->
02. Timber (Jerry)
03. Flat Fee
04. Fee
05. Possum
06. Lizards
07. Famous Mockingbird // *
[Whipping Post]
-Set 3-
[Suzy Greenberg]
[TMWSIY > Avenu Malkenu > TMWSIY]
[The Curtain]
[The Ballad of Curtis Loew]
[Good Times Bad Times]

* First time played 

-I'm guessing mic location was next to soundboard since you can hear 
  Paul talking to Trey who wanted monitor levels adjusted between songs
-Some minor distortion at certain peaks that were previously clipped
-d1t02 4:40 minute channel drop, 7:35 minor skip
-d2t02 2:09,3:49 volume drop, 5:11-5:14 muffled sound

-Clipping occurred in all tracks (98% in left channel): 
  If clipping was minimal, I used SF4.5 pencil tool to fix wave. However, 
  if the clipping was larger, I applied dynamic compression to 
  milli-second clip maintaining the same RMS power.
-d1t03 2:37.330-2:38.088 left channel dropout fixed by applying right channel 
-d1t06 3:39, 3:58 removed crackles - something hits the mics
-To reduce distortion of previously clipped peaks in left channel, the SF4.5 
  channel converter converted a new left channel comprised of 90% left and 10% right.

Pitch correction:
-Each set was between 30 and 70 cents sharp (varible), so I compensated for this using Sound Forge 7.  
This added about 2.5 minutes to the length of each set
-Added friendly fades at the start and end of sets
-Retracked in CD Wave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note From Rob:

Your name sounds very familiar. Did I hook you up with this 
show in a trade through etree? I think I might have. I saw this show 
in someones cdr list and it kinda blew me away for some reason. 

I guess since it was me that recorded the show 13 years ago..! 
I'm not a taper by any means, so since I haven't really traded this 
show with many people, it kind of surprised me to see your 
comments/fixes on it, and to actually see it in someone else's list 
that I trade with. (Seth Yacovone band, but I'll talk about that later) 

I love to ramble, so let me tell you a little bit about that show.... 

Basically it was nothing special. Phish played Nectars' three 
nights in a row every month, and this just happened to be one-of-em. 
I made it a habit to try to catch every gig they played in the Burlington 
area.. Anyway, I was dead tired at work on 2/7/88 (landscaping - 
making rock walls) but talking about how I was totally psyched about 
seeing the band play at Nectars' again that night (2/7/88). So this guy 
I worked with asked why I would stay out all night to hear a band 
play when I knew I needed to get up like 3 hours later (if I was lucky) 
to go to work...  So I told him I would record the show that night so he 
could hear it the next day.... 

He understood after I enlightened him on 2/8/88! 

We caught many, many shows together after that. 

"I'm guessing mic location was next to soundboard since you can hear 
Paul talking to Trey who wanted monitor levels adjusted between songs" 

For the first set, you're correct, the mic was placed next to the soundboard (location A), 
that's why you can clearly hear Paul's response to Trey talking about the monitors. 
It was actually attached to a painting on the wall behind the soundboard. 

Then for the second set I moved into position "B", to look for my friend Joe, who was 
still out back getting stoned. You can hear me asking "Where'd he go to man?" during 
the intro to AC/DC Bag (d2t1)... 

I had left him about 45 minutes before that - after harfin' a fatty w/ the band out back.... he 
was still out there. 

So anyway... For the second set I moved to position B on the diagram, my walkman 
was sitting on Page's (He's such a nice guy) keyboard, and the mic was clipped to my hat. 

"d2t02 2:09,3:49 volume drop" 

That's Joe (back from getting stoned) standing right next to me doing the WHOOOOO's! 
at each of the times indicated.. Auto recording levels caused the drops. 

"d2t02 5:11-5:14 muffled sound" 

A friend grabbed me from behind, causing me to turn around and look - with shocked amazement. 
With the mic hooked to my hat, the "muffled sound" occured. 

You didn't mentio
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Aug 11 2004 13:30:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Aug 11 2004 13:30:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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