Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA
Summary (download all files)
MSR> DATs> CDRs> EAC> SHN; via D. Sacks; Flaws: Slight digi-static
at beginning of Might as well; Mama Tried Cut at beginning; reel flip at
@ 2:18 in Lazy Lightning; Splice @ 2:00 in Samson
at beginning of Might as well; Mama Tried Cut at beginning; reel flip at
@ 2:18 in Lazy Lightning; Splice @ 2:00 in Samson
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead -- Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA -- October 15, 1976 MSR>DATs>CDRs>EAC>SHN Disk 1: Set I 1. Might As Well 2. Mama Tried 3. Row Jimmy 4. It's All Over Now 5. Loser 6. Minglewood Blues 7. Bertha 8. Lazy Lightning-> Supplication 9. Sugaree 10. Promised Land Disk 2: Set II 1. Eyes Of The World-> 2. Music Never Stopped 3. It Must Have Been The Roses 4. Samson & Delilah 5. He's Gone-> 6. Drums-> Disk 3: Set II cont 1. The Other One-> 2. Comes A Time-> 3. Franklin's Tower (aud)-> 4. Sugar Magnolia (aud) Flaws -- Slight digi-static at beginning of Might as well; Mama Tried Cut at beginning; reel flip at @ 2:18 in Lazy Lightning; Splice @ 2:00 in Samson. EAC extraction and SHN conversion by darrin (
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jun 29 2000 10:00:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Sep 24 2009 01:30:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
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st5 (download)
83be82e10265723b3959ea7387251b58 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t01.shn 26f472713f0907d59539527681598795 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t02.shn 439ae8694a697ef0c8b32cc86b15421c [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t03.shn c0a59225ee6616bf5140614fffcf92da [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t04.shn 025339f504f4b9c1f727a0ca34ae2509 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t05.shn a1b412c7ed9152ff16b2b499786c0a7b [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t06.shn c89055583bc0e9ea7cad6cd3886ba029 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t07.shn 1cead20ec5004ca56866356bb7918e67 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t08.shn 6f6114269ab91e53067f430ed1fdbf2b [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t09.shn 9321a8b291684c19852ebdbdf92912a7 [shntool] gd76-10-15d1t10.shn 2ee3bf244674244a494ca4e4b3d6c001 [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t01.shn 33849bb74626b6bd55a5f2060f866813 [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t02.shn 93ffbf2b10374ec6fd964df093e4cbbd [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t03.shn 7efc52df4307e14e166d1df67cb360dc [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t04.shn 4d93fe59372e89099e6f7a75cd6ca3ce [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t05.shn a2a6e52a35a3e4d07a4db6094864df0a [shntool] gd76-10-15d2t06.shn a3cb248098936fde5f92fdec4590e429 [shntool] gd76-10-15d3t01.shn a4fbd11da48597585d2a9801c0906dd1 [shntool] gd76-10-15d3t02.shn 8147c1d920a9f33415156e0da31b3bd9 [shntool] gd76-10-15d3t03.shn ddfd5a216a80b86c7a17e67690fe0308 [shntool] gd76-10-15d3t04.shn
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