Saenger Theater, New Orleans, LA

Summary (download all files)
(ortf/dfc/20th row/7ft) Neumann AK50s > LC3 > KM100 > Apogee MiniMe@16/44.1 > M1

lineage : Dat > Wav > Flac16

Textdoc (download)
Greyboy Allstars
May, 1st, 2004
Saenger Theater, NOLA

One Set (Rebrith Brass Band opened)

Disc 1
1. Jug Eyes
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. Chitlins
9. Lady Day & John Coltrane
10. Natilus >
     ? >
Disc 2
1. Volcanic Acne
2. ? *
3. Happy Friends 
4. Right On 
5. Steel Bender

Disc 3
1. 3/4 Small
2. ?
3. banter
4. Get a Job
5. Hot Dog
6. Kick to the Head Burrito to the Floor

the Greyboy Allstars are :

Robert Walter - keys
Karl Denson - tenorsax/flute
Elgin Park - guitar
Chris Stillwell - bass
Zack Najor - drums

* w/ Cheme Gastelum (RW2C)

^^^had to fly my mics @ head level....asshole security :(sounds great though)

source: (ortf/dfc/20th row/7ft) Neumann AK50s > LC3 > KM100 > Apogee MiniMe@16/44.1 > M1

lineage : Dat > Wav > Flac16

taper : jeff kennedy
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue May 11 2004 14:12:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue May 11 2004 14:12:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
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gba2004-05-01d3t05.flac: f37de32a4026e5abd50eb99c35557b61
gba2004-05-01d3t06.flac: e59f855bf232f505ae3002218e5210f4

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