SHNID 23549 Gov't Mule 1995-08-18
Barre Chord, Tom's River, NJ

Summary (download all files)
Taper(s): unknown
Source (main set): sbd > dat(48kHz)
Source (encore): AKG 460b/ck68 > Panasonic sv255 (48kHz)

Conversion: Steve LeFevre
DAT (clone) > SHN: Sony TCD-D8 > Sek'd Prodif 96 > Soundforge 4.5c (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CD Wave v1.6 > mkw Audio Compression Tool v0.96f

Notes: The soundboard portion of the tape ends just prior to the encore and is
completed by a fine audience tape. No music was lost. The sbd and aud portions
were normalized separately to achieve a better balance of the two sources.
All sector boundaries verified with shntool.

Thanks to Karl Kubicka for the dat!

Textdoc (download)
Govt. Mule
August 18, 1995
Barre Chord
Tom's River, NJ

Taper(s):		unknown
Source (main set):	sbd > dat(48kHz) 
Source (encore):	AKG 460b/ck68 > Panasonic sv255 (48kHz)
Conversion:		Steve LeFevre
DAT (clone) > SHN:	Sony TCD-D8 > Sek'd Prodif 96 > Soundforge 4.5c (48kHz>44.1kHz) > CD Wave v1.6 > mkw Audio Compression Tool v0.96f

Track 			Name					Time (m:s.f)
d1t01		Mule > 						05:43.51
d1t02		Rocking Horse > 				04:18.48
d1t03		Mr. Big						07:55.16
d1t04		Temporary Saint > 				06:03.01
d1t05		Trane > St. Stephen jam > 			16:24.63
d1t06		Monkey Hill > She's So Heavy jam		05:55.71
d1t07		The Same Thing					08:18.04
d1t08		Don't Step On The Grass, Sam			07:21.53
d1t09		Gambler's Roll 					09:01.66
d1 totals							71:04

d2t01		Politician > 					06:15.55
d2t02		Blind Man In The Dark				09:35.37
d2t03		Just Got Paid > Who Do You Love > Just Got Paid	09:54.65
d2t04		End Of The Line (Come On Into My Kitchen intro)	05:59.21
d2t05		Look On Yonder Wall  				09:44.00

d2 totals							41:35		

Notes:  The soundboard portion of the tape ends just prior to the encore and is
	completed by a fine audience tape.  No music was lost.  The sbd and aud portions
	were normalized separately to achieve a better balance of the two sources.
	All sector boundaries verified with shntool.

	Thanks to Karl Kubicka for the dat!

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Wed Mar 16 2005 12:56:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Mar 16 2005 12:56:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
87ef11e4044685cfa9b4226722500af5 *mule1995-08-18d1t09.shn
76a06c415f491773470b5462e3f68f95 *mule1995-08-18d1t02.shn
10f86755dc9abef6aed297f93dda55fe *mule1995-08-18d1t03.shn
eff29f75b096f22111d93c97cd4ea739 *mule1995-08-18d1t04.shn
a6663bcab02a9265657d8c25a818c07d *mule1995-08-18d1t05.shn
b9db0be40979cf0a3d7312d4a8de4cb9 *mule1995-08-18d1t06.shn
5b8eceefb75e57834341789eb703e9c1 *mule1995-08-18d1t07.shn
34537177fcdaafdcb1b1ceda1b1d4120 *mule1995-08-18d1t08.shn
c2f667d50bd13c1cd0a04e086138401d *mule1995-08-18d1t01.shn
d2 (download)
5131203e2fb595a2b0e6db05f2bf57c9 *mule1995-08-18d2t05.shn
3e4178e1ea691aa540a995e75a0573d4 *mule1995-08-18d2t02.shn
4833e57016238b7d0411b3040eb71908 *mule1995-08-18d2t03.shn
f248b2f5d6f7a324e0af4595fab3a417 *mule1995-08-18d2t04.shn
c21e64ab2e85931546e8adaf45dac2f0 *mule1995-08-18d2t01.shn

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